Delete Next Year Campus Courses

Scheduling > Utilities > Delete NY Master Schedule > Campus

This utility deletes next year campus courses (i.e., the campus master schedule). The next year master schedule information is deleted before the new next year master schedule is created from the current year master schedule.

At the campus level, all student requests and schedules must be deleted before you can delete campus courses. If student requests or schedules exist, course or section information cannot be deleted.

If the information has been deleted, the message “Empty” is displayed next to the field.

Delete next year campus courses:

❏ Select the data you want to delete.

  • If student requests or schedules exist, the Campus Courses, Campus Sections, and Campus Proxies fields are disabled, and you cannot delete next year campus courses.

  • Select Instructors. You will re-add them later in the Scheduling process.

  • If you select Campus Courses, the Campus Sections field is automatically selected.

  • WARNING: If you select Campus Proxies, all proxies are deleted and will need to be recreated individually by the campus. Proxies are not created from the current year master schedule.

❏ Click Delete.

❏ You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the selected data. Click Yes.

❏ Repeat this process for each campus.