Delete Next Year District Courses

Scheduling > Utilities > Delete NY Master Schedule > District

This utility deletes next year district courses (i.e., the district master schedule). The next year master schedule information must be deleted before the new next year master schedule can be created from the current year master schedule.

NOTE: Next year requests (including alternates), student schedules, instructors, campus courses, and campus sections must be deleted from every campus in the district before the next year district courses can be deleted. You cannot delete the next year schedule if the next year schedule (not the current year schedule) has courses assigned to a graduation plan.

IMPORTANT: Use extreme caution when using this utility. Deleting district courses affects all campuses. To delete next year district courses, you must have access rights to district level in Security Administration > Manage Roles > Edit Role for Scheduling > Utilities > Delete Next Year Master Schedule.

Delete next year district courses:

❏ Select District Courses.

NOTE: If you have run Scheduling > Utilities > Delete NY Master Schedule > Campus, Campus Courses and Campus Sections are disabled and cannot be selected.

❏ Click Delete.

❏ If proxies exist, you are prompted to select which items to clear.

DistrictDelete the next year district courses but keep the proxies.
Dist + ProxiesDelete the next year district courses and the proxies. Each campus will need to manually recreate its proxies.