SEM0640 - TEA IDEA-B P.L. 105-17 Report

Special Education > Reports > Special Ed > Program > SEM0640 - TEA IDEA-B P.L. 105-17 Report

This report lists students who are receiving special ed services through Public Law 105-17 who are between 3-21 years old as of September 1st of the reporting year. The Superintendent Certification letter can be printed. The data can be saved to a file for TEA submission. You can also print an Exception Listing and a Verification Listing.

  • Annual reviews are due in one year. Full and Individual Initial Evaluations (FIEs) are due in three years.
  • The TEA report date is the last Friday in October of the current school year.
  • The program uses an as-of date that is one year less than the TEA report date to determine annual reviews due. It compares the IEP services-initiated date with the annual review date and prints Y in the DUE column if the greater of the two dates is before or equal to the as-of date.
  • The program uses an as-of date that is three years less than the TEA report date to determine FIE report dates. Y is printed in the DUE column if the FIE report date is before or equal to the as-of date.
  • The IDEA-B RDSPD field on the Superintendent Certification letter displays a count of the students who are enrolled in the regional day school program for the deaf and do not have instructional setting codes of 30, 50, 60, 70, or 71.

Campuses that have been excluded from district reporting are not included.

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Report Date as Specified by TEA (MMDDYYYY)

Type the date, or click to select the date from a calendar.

Ignore FIE Rep Date and IEP Dates (Y, N)

Y - Ignore the Full and Individual Initial Evaluation (FIE) report date and Individualized Education Program (IEP) dates. If Y, all students are printed regardless of the IEP services-initiated, annual review, and FIE report dates. Students with an assessment due are not printed on the Exception Listing.

N - Use the FIE report date and IEP dates. If N, data is only printed for students who have a current FIE report date and a current IEP services-initiated or annual review date (the greater of the two) in their records. Students with an assessment due are printed on the Exception Listing. The following are excluded from the report:

• Students 22 years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year
• Students under 3 years old, or students 3 years old with a birthday after September 1 of the current school year
• Students who enrolled after September 1 of the current school year

Print Student SSN (Y, N)

Y - Print the entire social security number.

N - Print XXX-XX-XXXX for the social security number.


Select one:

TEA IDEA-B P.L. 105-17 Report - Print only the TEA IDEA-B P.L. 105-17 report.

Summary of Age by PD - Print only a summary of age report by primary disability.

Summary of PD by Ethnicity - Print only a summary report of primary disability by ethnicity.

Report Certification - Print only the report certification.

Exception Listing - Print only the exception listing.

Verification Listing - Print only the verification listing.