Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus > Campus Control

This page allows you to grant or deny access by grade level to the Student Course Requests system.

NOTE: In order for students to be able to log in, all grade levels at the campus must have a row in the StudentPortal Course Requests section and the status must be either View or Open.

ASCENDER Scheduling Campus Control tab

❏ Under StudentPortal Course Requests click +Add to add the access status for a grade level.

A blank row is added to the grid.


Select the grade level that is being assigned/denied access to StudentPortal. All grade levels at the campus must be added.

Grade level rows will be sorted in ascending order when the page is saved.


Select the status for the grade level.

• Select Open if students can submit course requests through StudentPortal.

• Select Closed if students cannot view or submit course requests through StudentPortal.

• Select View if students can only view course requests through StudentPortal.

Trashcan Icon Delete the access status for a grade level.