ASCENDER StudentPortal > Course Request

The Course Selection page allows you to select and submit course requests for your next year school schedule.

Course Request page

NOTE: If you log on to the application and you are only able to view the Confirmation page, you have either already submitted your course requests, or your campus has changed the application settings to view only. If no courses are listed on the Confirmation page, you have not requested courses for the next school year and will need to meet with your counselor.

Course Requests Units Remaining:

To begin selecting courses, you must have the appropriate number of Course Requests Units Remaining available. The Course Requests Units Remaining field is located in the left-side navigation bar.

Units Remaining

Course Requests Units Remaining is the number of units available for you to select from the Available Courses section.

Select courses:

Subjects are listed across the top of the page.

snippet of Course Request page showing Subjects

❏ Click the subject area you want to view.

When you click a subject area, the list of courses under the Available Courses section will change to correspond with the subject selected. For example, when you click Science, all courses in the Available Courses section will change to science classes available at your campus.

snippet of Course Request page showing Available Courses list

You can click the Number or Course column heading to sort the columns in ascending order by course number and course name.

Left grid:

❏ Under Available Courses, click Add icon to add a course.

• The course is moved to the Requested Courses list (right grid) and is no longer displayed under Available Courses.

• The Course Requests Units Remaining field decreases by the appropriate number of units.

Right grid:

❏ To remove a course from the Requested Courses list, click Drop icon in the Drop column.

• The course moves back to the Available Courses list (left grid) and is no longer displayed under Requested Courses.

Course Requests Units Remaining increases by the appropriate number of units.

NOTE: If a course is displayed in the Requested Courses list and you do not have the ability to remove it, it was added by your campus, and you will need to meet with a counselor to discuss it.

Select alternate courses:

Under Requested Courses, the Alt column displays in parentheses the number of alternate courses added for the course.

snippet of Course Request page showing Requested Course

❏ Click Alternate icon to view the alternate courses.

The alternate courses are displayed in the Alternate Courses For list.

❏ To remove an alternate course from the Alternate Courses For list, click Drop icon in the Drop column next to the appropriate course.

  • The course is displayed in the Available Courses list and is no longer displayed in the Alternate Courses For list.

  • If a course is displayed in the Alternate Courses For list and you do not have the ability to remove it, it was added by your campus, and you will need to meet with a counselor to discuss it.

❏ Under Alternate Courses For in the Rank field, you can rank the order in which you want the alternate courses to be applied to your course requests.

Alternate Courses For section with Rank field highlighted

For example, if a course is not available, the alternate course with a rank of 1 will be the first alternate course attempted to replace it. If that course cannot be applied, the course with a rank of 2 will be attempted, and so on.

NOTE: If the counselor has specified the rank order, it cannot be changed.

❏ Before submitting your course requests, confirm each of the following:

❏ All information on the About Me page is correct.

❏ You are satisfied with your selections.

No changes can be made once you click Submit.

Course Requests Units Remaining is equal to zero.

units remaining is zero

If Course Requests Units Remaining is not zero when the request is submitted, a warning message will notify you that you still have units remaining, and you will need to meet with your campus counselor at a later date to complete your schedule. Click Continue if you wish to proceed.

Warning message

❏ Click Submit to submit your list.

A message is displayed confirming your choice to submit your request.

Confirmation message

  • Click Continue to view the Confirmation page.
  • Or, click Cancel to continue adding or removing courses.

Subject Credit Detail(top-right corner)

snippet of Course Request page showing Subject Credit Detail button

❏ Click to view the history of courses you have taken for the selected subject area.

The Subject Credit Detail window opens, listing each course you have taken in the subject area, including the credits earned, the semester and final grades, and important credit detail.

Subject Credit Detail pop-up window

Click OK to close the window.

❏ To view the history of courses you have taken for a different subject area, select a different subject area under Subjects, and then click Subject Credit Detail.

Previous SubjectClick to view the list of Available Courses for the previous subject, in order from right-to-left.
Next SubjectClick to view the list of Available Courses for the next subject, in order from left-to-right.

The Confirmation page allows you to view and print your submitted course requests.

Once you have submitted your course requests, you will no longer be able to make changes. If you would like to add or remove any courses, you will need to meet with a counselor.

At any time, you can log on to the Student Course Requests application to view and print this information.

Confirmation Page