ASCENDER StudentPortal > Grades > Assignments

The Assignments page allows you to view your class assignments for all courses and all cycles, including graded, ungraded, dropped, missing, etc. You can only view assignments for the current semester.

Assignments page

Filter By:

CourseSelect a specific course, or click All to view assignments in all courses.
CycleSelect a specific cycle, or click All to view assignments for all cycles.
ViewSelect which assignments to view:

All - View all assignments.
Only Graded - View only assignments that have been graded.
Only Pending - View only assignments that have been assigned but not yet graded.

Due BeforeSelect a date to view only assignments due before a particular date. Leave blank to view all assignments.
Include Blank Due DatesSelect if you wish to include assignments that do not have a specified due date.

❏ Click Find Assignments.

The assignments are displayed according to your selections. Only assignments for the current semester are listed.

MOBILE DEVICE USERS: Your assignments are listed below the filters. You may need to scroll down to view data.

TIP: Click a column heading to sort the assignments by that heading in ascending order. Click the column heading again to sort in descending order.

  • If an assignment grade has been dropped, the message “dropped” is displayed next to the grade.
  • If an assignment grade has been excluded, the message “excluded” is displayed in place of the grade.
  • If an assignment is missing, the message “missing” is displayed in place of the grade.
  • If an assignment is incomplete, the message “incomplete” is displayed in place of the grade.
  • If the student is withdrawn from the course, the message “(withdrawn)” is displayed next to the course title.

STANDARDS-BASED GRADING: If the course uses the standards-based type of grading, assignments are associated with specific standards. For these courses, the Standard Scores heading is displayed in the table. For each assignment, all associated standards and grades are displayed. Note that assignments may have multiple standards. Also, an assignment may be associated with more than one standard, so you may see the same standard for multiple assignments. The grade for the course is calculated from the scores for the standards, not the assignments.

Some districts use the name SKILLS-REFERENCED GRADING to refer to this grading type.