The semester and cycle are displayed at the top of the IPR. However, the final scores and calculated average are cumulative for the semester.

For standards-based courses, the following is included on a student’s IPR:

A - Conversion Grade: The grade that appears on Grades > Cycle Grades in the Average column is displayed. It is the student’s average to date. The average is cumulative for the semester, even though assignment grades are only displayed for the selected semester-cycle.

B - Standard Set: The set of standards with which the graded standard is associated is displayed.

C - Standard: The standard is displayed.

D - Assignment Name: The assignment associated with the standard is displayed. The grade for each assignment is displayed in the grade column. The assignment grades are displayed for the selected semester-cycle only.

E - Final Score: A final score is displayed for each standard. The score displayed is the highest score of the following:

F - Final Score (standard set): A final score is displayed for each standard set. This is the average of all final scores for each standard. The final standard set score reflects standard set scores for all cycles in the semester, even though only one cycle is displayed at a time. The average does not include scores of zero, unless zero is a valid grade for the campus. The final standard set score is rounded to one decimal place.

G - Total Score: Thi average of all standard set final scores is displayed, which takes into account all cycles in the semester. This grade is converted to a standard 100%-based grade using a conversion chart established by the district (e.g., 3/80, where 3 is the student’s total score, and 80 is the student’s converted grade).