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academy:teacher-guide [2020/04/02 12:15] jstanfordacademy:teacher-guide [2022/01/25 20:14] apape
Line 1: Line 1:
-======Teacher Guide to ASCENDER TeacherPortal======+<div head1>Teacher Guide to ASCENDER TeacherPortal</div>
-<WRAP box #no-print>{{:images:printer.png|printer icon}}[[:academy:teacher-guide?do=export_pdf&toclevels=1-3&book_title=ASCENDER TeacherPortal - Teacher Guide| Click here to generate a PDF of this guide]].+<WRAP box #no-print>{{:images:printer.png|printer icon}}[[academy:teacher-guide-tabs1-4?do=export_pdf&toclevels=1-3&book_title=ASCENDER TeacherPortal - Teacher Guide| Click here to generate a PDF of tabs 1-4 of this guide]].\\ \\ 
 +{{:images:printer.png|printer icon}}[[academy:teacher-guide-tabs5-8?do=export_pdf&toclevels=1-3&book_title=ASCENDER TeacherPortal - Teacher Guide| Click here to generate a PDF of tabs 5-8 of this guide]].\\ \\ 
 +{{:images:printer.png|printer icon}}[[academy:teacher-guide-tabs9-14?do=export_pdf&toclevels=1-3&book_title=ASCENDER TeacherPortal - Teacher Guide| Click here to generate a PDF of tabs 9-14 of this guide]].
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 \\    \\   
-=====Access TeacherPortal=====+{{page>general:create_account_intro}}
-<div indent>+Teachers who do not have administrative access are directed to the Announcements page upon logging on. The Admin menu is not displayed in the main menu, and some reports that require administrative access are not  displayed in the Reports submenu.
-++++I. Create an ASCENDER TeacherPortal account and log on.|{{page>academy:create-account&inline}}++++ 
-++++IIRetrieve your user name, or update your password.|{{page>academy:update-password&inline}}+++++  * Teachers of courses where students must meet UIL eligibility requirements (e.g., band or athletics) can be granted access to  the UIL report in the Reports menuThe UIL report allows a teacher to view the students' working cycle averages for all of their courses to determine UIL eligibility and locate students who may be at risk of losing eligibility. 
 +  * Teachers can be given permission to create campus-wide or course-wide groups of students in TeacherPortal. Special group reports are available that provide data for the student groups.
-++++III. Navigate TeacherPortal.|{{page>academy:navigate&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-=====Update Your TeacherPortal Account===== 
-<div indent> 
-++++I. Access the User Profile page.|{{page>academy:access-user-profile&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-=====Organize Your Classes===== 
-<div indent> 
-++++I. Organize courses.|{{page>academy:organize-courses&inline}}++++ 
-++++II. Create assignment categories.|{{page>academy:create-categories&inline}}++++ 
-++++III. Create assignments.|{{page>academy:create-assignments&inline}}++++ 
-++++IV. Create seating charts.|{{page>academy:create-seating-charts&inline}}++++ 
-++++V. Create course groups.|{{page>academy:create-course-groups&inline}}++++ 
-++++VI. Arrange student order.|{{page>academy:arrange-student-order&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-=====Update Class Information===== 
-<div indent> 
-++++I. Post attendance.|{{page>academy:post-attendance&inline}}++++ 
-++++II. Enter assignment grades.|{{page>academy:assignment-grades&inline}}++++ 
-++++III. Enter discipline referrals.|{{page>academy:discipline-referrals&inline}}++++ 
-++++IV. Accept transfer students.|{{page>academy:transfer-students&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-<div indent> 
-++++I. Enter cycle grades.|{{page>academy:enter-cycle-grades&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-<div indent> 
-++++I. Enter semester grades.|{{page>academy:enter-semester-grades&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-=====View Reports:===== 
-<div indent> 
-====Student Information:==== 
-++++I. Student Profile.|{{page>academy:student-profile&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-====Attendance Reports:==== 
-++++I. Attendance verification.|{{page>academy:report-attendance-verification&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-====Grades Reports:==== 
-++++I. Attendance verification.|{{page>academy:report-attendance-verification&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-====End-of-Cycle Reports:==== 
-++++I. Course Notes.|{{page>academy:report-course-notes&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-====Multipurpose Reports:==== 
-++++I. Print a class roster.|{{page>academy:print-class-roster&inline}}++++ 
academy/teacher-guide.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/25 20:36 by apape