Admin Options

TeacherPortal Admin > Admin > Admin Options

This page is only available to users who log on to TeacherPortal with a district- or campus-level security administrator user ID.

This page allows you to select the teacher for whom you want to log in with administrator privileges. After you select a teacher from this page, you can access TeacherPortal as if you were that teacher; however, there are some differences:

  • The Admin menu is displayed in the main menu. Click Admin to return to this page to select another teacher.

  • In the Settings menu, the Update Admin Profile menu item appears instead of Update Profile.

There are multiple levels of administrator access:

  • Administrator with full access - You can perform all functions, including saving, posting, and printing.

  • Inquiry-only access - You can view all pages, but all buttons (except Print buttons) are disabled. Even if you change data in a field, you cannot save changes, so all changes will be lost when you leave the page. Inquiry-only users can print data.

Any changes you make while you are logged in as an administrator are logged with the administrator user ID. This allows you to distinguish between changes actually made by the teacher and changes made by an administrative user.

Select a teacher:

❏ Log in using your administrative user ID and password.

The Admin Options page opens instead of the Announcements page.

You are logged in as

Your administrator access level is displayed:

maintenance administrator - You have full access.

read-only administrator - You have read-only access.

discipline administrator - You have discipline-only access.

You have administrative privileges for

Your campus access level is displayed:

all campuses - You are a district-level administrator, and all campuses in the district are listed in the Select Campus field.

multiple campuses - You are a multi-campus-level administrator, and all campuses you have been given access to are listed in the Select Campus field.

campus ID - You only have access to one campus, and only one campus is listed.

Run as Teacher
Select Campus

Select the campus of the teacher you want to impersonate.

If you are a district-level administrator with “all campuses” access, all campuses in the district are listed.

If you are a multi-campus-level administrator with “multiple campuses” access, the campuses you have been given access to are listed.

If you are a discipline-only user for a campus, the campus is only listed in the drop down allowed by the district.

Select Teacher

The list is filtered according to the selected campus and includes all teachers at the campus who currently have a user ID for TeacherPortal.

The list is sorted alphabetically by the teacher's last name and includes the instructor ID.

If a teacher teaches at more than one campus, the teacher's name is displayed for each campus.

Once you select a campus and teacher, the campus name, teacher name, and instructor ID are displayed in the left-side navigation bar.

❏ Select a page from the main menu to access a page.

❏ To return to this page to select a different teacher, select Admin Options from the Admin menu.

View logging status:

Logging Status

The field indicates when logging is in a working state or disabled.

Note: Make logging changes on the TP Setting page to the Logging Off field.

“Working” (green text) - Logging is in a working state.

“Disabled” (orange text) - Logging is disabled in the database.

Mark ready to post:

Admin Options

Click the link to expand the section. The Mark Ready to Post button is displayed.

Mark Ready to Post

Click to mark all courses at the campus as ready to post, including any courses where the teacher has not clicked Mark grades as Ready to Post on the Cycle Grades page. The button is only displayed for current cycles that are open for posting.

The following is also displayed:

• The campus, semester, and cycle for which you will be marking courses as ready to post.
• The number of courses that have already been marked as ready to post (before clicking the button).
• The number of courses that have not yet been marked as ready to post (before clicking the button).

You are prompted to confirm that you want to mark all remaining courses as ready to post.

Ready to Post pop-up window

Click OK.

A message is displayed indicating that courses were posted.

Courses Posted

View Courses Marked Ready to PostClick to view a report of all courses that have been marked as 'Ready to Post.' The report opens in a new window.

Courses posted
Students with no Exam GradeClick to view a report of all students who have a blank exam grade for the current cycle. No Show and withdrawn students are not included. The report opens in a new window.