Any existing, current long-term substitute teachers are listed.

Show Non-Current RecordsBy default, only current records (i.e., those that have already started and have not yet ended) are displayed. Select the field to view all records, including those that have ended or have not yet started.

❏ Click Retrieve.

The complete list is displayed.

❏ Click Add Substitute to add a long-term substitute.

A pop-up window opens.

Add New Record

SubstituteSelect the substitute teacher.
TeacherSelect the teacher for whom the long-term substitute will be teaching.
Beginning DateEnter the first date the long-term substitute will be teaching, or click calendar icon to select a date from the calendar.

Leave blank if the begin date is unknown.
Ending DateEnter the final date the long-term substitute will be teaching, or click Calendar to select a date from the calendar

Leave blank if the ending date is unknown.

❏ Click Save.

The long-term substitute teacher is added to the grid.

NOTE: If you specified a future date for the begin date, the record will not be displayed in the grid unless you select Show Non-Current Records and click Retrieve.

EditClick Edit to view and update information for an existing long-term substitute. A pop-up window opens allowing you to update the data as needed. Click Save.
DeleteClick Delete to delete a long-term substitute from the grid.