❏ Select the students for whom you want to enter notes:

SemesterSelect the semester for which you want to enter notes.
CycleSelect the cycle for which you want to enter notes.
Course-SectionSelect an elementary skills-based course-section.

❏ Click Retrieve.

Students in the selected semester, cycle, and course-section are listed along with the Student ID.

NotesType any notes you want printed on the student's report card.

Note: If the space allowed is reduced after you have entered a student note, the previously entered note(s) are shortened to the new limit. For example, if five lines were allowed in cycle 1, and you entered a five-line note, all lines appeared on the cycle 1 report card. If the space allowed is reduced to three lines for cycle 2, you must enter a three-line note for cycle 2. Additionally, the cycle 1 note will be shortened to three lines, which will cause part of the cycle 1 message to be cut off on the cycle 2 report card.

● When you click in the field, the space expands to allow you to view more of the message you are typing. When you click out of the field, the space reverts to displaying only one row of the notes.
● The space allowed for the note depends on the setting of the Use Fixed-Size Box for Student Note field on the Admin > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Skills-Based Report Card Setup - Step 1 page (up to 5 lines with 41 characters per line). If your note exceeds the space allowed, a message is displayed, and the changes cannot be saved.

If Use Fixed-Sized Box for Student Note is not selected, you are allowed up to 500 characters.

Save data:

PINType your four-digit personal identification number (PIN).

❏ Click Save.