❏ Specify the semester:

SemesterThe current semester is displayed by default. You can select another semester.

❏ Click Retrieve.

❏ Under Available Course Groups (left grid):

Existing groups are listed. Otherwise, the message “No data available in table” is displayed.

Add a group:

Add new group

NameTo add a group, type a unique name for the group.

❏ Click Add Group.

The new group name is displayed under Available Course Groups (left grid).

❏ Click Spyglass to add courses to the group.

Adding courses to group

❏ Under Course Group Detail (right grid):

GroupThe selected group name is displayed.

The default message, “Please select or create a course group” is displayed.
Grouped CoursesAll the courses currently added to the selected group are listed.

If no courses are added, the message “No data available in table” is displayed.
Available CoursesAny courses that can be added to the group are listed.

Click Plus for each course you want to add to the group. The course is moved to the Grouped Courses list.
Ineligible CoursesAny courses that cannot be added to the group (due to reasons described above on this page) are listed. An explanation of the course's ineligibility is displayed next to the course.
DeleteClick to delete a course from the group.

When deleting a course from a group during a semester (when a course-section has categories assigned), take caution. You are not prompted to confirm that you want to delete the course-section from the group. Once you delete a course-section with categories and click Save, the action cannot be undone.

❏ Click Save.

Edit a group:

❏ Under Available Course Groups (left grid):

Course CountThe number of courses currently added to the group is displayed.
SpyglassClick to view the group details. The details for the group are displayed on the right under Course Group Detail, and you can add or remove courses from the group.

Click to delete a group. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the group. Click OK.

A group can only be deleted if Course Count is 0.