
When you successfully log on to TeacherPortal, the Announcements page opens. The main menu provides access to all areas of TeacherPortal.

  • Your district name and campus name are displayed in the left-side navigation bar. If you teach courses at more than one campus, select which campus to view.

  • Your ID and name are displayed in the left-side navigation bar. If you teach at multiple campuses, and if your name happens to be entered differently at each campus (e.g., if your first name is entered as James at one campus and Jim at another campus), your name is displayed as it is entered at the campus you are currently viewing. In most cases, your name should be entered the same at all campuses.

  • The logout link is displayed to the right of your ID.

  • The Help icon Help is displayed in the top-right corner.

  • District and campus announcements are displayed. Always check the announcements for new information.

  • To return to this page after you log on, click Home from the left-side navigation bar.

Access a page:

If you are a long-term substitute teacher:

Select a teacher to substitute for

This field is only displayed if you are logged on as a teacher for whom a long-term substitute teacher has been assigned.

Select the teacher for whom you are substitute teaching, and then click Select Teacher.

Then, proceed to use TeacherPortal as if you were that teacher.

To select another teacher for whom to substitute, you must log out of TeacherPortal, and then log on as the next teacher and select the next teacher from this drop down.

You can only access the Update Profile page before you select a teacher. Once you have selected a teacher, the Update Profile page is no longer available.

Only teachers for which an administrator has assigned you as the substitute will be listed in the drop down, and only if the current date falls within the date range specified.

As a long-term substitute, you can maintain and print any data that the teacher would be able to access:

• When a long-term substitute marks grades as ready to post, the teacher’s name is reflected.

• When a long-term substitute posts attendance, the teacher’s name is reflected.

• When a long-term substitute enters a discipline referral, the substitute’s name is reflected.

Return to the previous page:

Do not return to a page by clicking your browser's Back button. To return to a page, re-select it from the menu.

Access Help:


Click the icon in the top-right corner of the page. The Help window opens.

In the Help window, the Help topic is displayed on the right. The Help topic is specific to the page you are viewing. The Table of Contents is displayed on the left, which allows you to browse other Help topics from this Help window.

Keep your session active:

If your session is idle for a specified amount of time (i.e., you are logged on but you have not made any changes that have hit the server), your session becomes inactive. This is a security measure designed to limit access to the system if you are unexpectedly called away from your computer. The time limit for idle sessions is set by the district.

Prior to becoming inactive, a warning message is displayed to let you know that your session will be ending soon.

WARNING: Any unsaved data will be lost.

Log out:

The logout link is displayed in the top-right corner. When you click the logout link, you are logged out of TeacherPortal and redirected to the Login page.

WARNING: Any unsaved data will be lost.

Substitute Teachers:

When you log in to TeacherPortal, the Announcements page is the first page displayed. From here, you must specify the teacher you are substitute teaching for. You must select the teacher each time you log in.

Announcements page with long-term-sub option

❏ In the Substitute For field, select the teacher you are substitute teaching for.

• Only teachers you are assigned to teach for are listed.

• The beginning and ending dates also determine which teachers are listed.

If the beginning date is in the future, the teacher is not listed until the current date is within the range of dates specified. Once the current date is past the substitute’s ending date, the teacher is no longer listed.

❏ Click Teacher.

A message is displayed indicating that you are now substitute teaching for the selected teacher. The teacher's three-digit control number is also provided.

NOTE: Once you have selected a teacher, the Update Profile page is no longer available. See the Update Profile Settings section below for information about how to update your profile settings.

❏ To select another teacher, you must log out, and log in again.