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settings:rubricsetup [2020/04/01 16:04] jstanfordsettings:rubricsetup [2020/05/15 19:50] (current) jstanford
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 {{indexmenu_n>70}} {{indexmenu_n>70}}
-======Set Up Rubrics======+======Manage Rubric Charts======
 <div #message></div> <div #message></div>
-//**Settings > Set Up Rubrics**//+//**Settings > Manage Rubric Charts**//
-<WRAP box>**NOTE:** To use this page, the campus must have enabled access.</WRAP> +{{page>general:rubric_setup_intro}}
-\\   +
-<WRAP round intro>This page allows you to create rubric charts that can be used for grading assignments. A rubric chart is a set of criteria (i.e., skills) used for assessing a student's work or performance and includes levels of potential achievement (i.e., scores) for each criterion.\\  \\   +
-Once a rubric is created, you can associate the rubric chart with an assignment on [[settings:administerassignments|Settings > Administer Assignments]]. Then, the rubric will be available for the assignment on [[grades:assignmentgrades|Grades > Assignment Grades]].\\  \\   +
 +<div head3>Create a rubric chart:</div>
-====Create a rubric:====+{{page>general:rubric_setup_body}}
-Your existing rubric charts (i.e., rubric charts you created) are listed. Otherwise, the message "No Rubrics Exist" is displayed. +{{page>general:rubric_setup_body_print}}
-\\   +
-^Rubric Setup|{{page>general:rubric_setup}}+
-\\   +
-Under **Editing Rubric: {Rubric Name}**:\\  \\   +
-A grid is displayed allowing you to enter criteria (i.e., skills) and scores for each criterion. +
-\\   +
-^Skills|{{page>general:rubric_setup_edit_skills}}| +
-^Scores|{{page>general:rubric_setup_edit_scores}}| +
-\\   +
-VCV Click **Save**. +
-\\   +
-^Total Points|{{page>general:rubric_setup_edit_total_points}}| +
- +
-\\   +
-VCV Click **Save**.\\  \\   +
-VCV To save a copy of the displayed rubric chart with another name (e.g., to use the rubric chart as a template for another rubric chart), type the new name in the field next to the **Save As** button, then click **Save As**. +
-<div indent>The new rubric chart is added to the **Available Rubrics** list. The new rubric chart can be modified as needed.</div> +
-\\  \\   +
- +
----- +
- +
-====Print the rubric chart:==== +
- +
-Click **Print Selected Rubric** to print a report of the displayed rubric chart. The [[teacheraccess:reports:rubricreportselection|Rubric Report Selection]] page opens allowing you to make selections for printing the report. +
- +
- +
- +
-\\  \\   +
- +
-====Edit a rubric chart:==== +
- +
-VCV Click {{:images:mag_edit.gif|spyglass icon}} for the rubric chart you want to change. +
-<div indent>The rubric chart opens under **Editing Rubric: {//Rubric Name//}**, where //Rubric Name// is the name of the rubric chart. Modify the chart as needed, and then click **Save**.</div> +
-\\   +
-<WRAP box> +
-If you attempt to edit a rubric chart that is in use, a message is displayed indicating the number of assignments using the rubric chart; however, you are not prevented from modifying some parts of the rubric chart:\\  \\   +
-  * The skills cannot be changed. +
-  * You cannot add a skill; the **Add Skill** button is not displayed. +
-  * You must keep at least one column under **Scores**. +
-  * The score note field can be modified. +
-  * You can add scores, but you must maintain the same **Total Points**. +
- +
-</WRAP> +
- +
-\\  \\   +
- +
-====Delete a rubric chart:==== +
- +
-VCV Click {{:images:delete.jpg|delete icon}} to delete an existing rubric chart.\\  \\   +
-VCV You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the rubric chart. Click **OK**. +
-\\   +
-<WRAP box>You cannot delete a rubric chart that is in use (i.e., associated with any assignment).</WRAP>+
settings/rubricsetup.1585757088.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/01 11:04 (external edit)