Campus Master Schedule Section tab

Several fields exist on both the district and campus master schedules. These fields only need to be updated in the campus master schedule if they require different values than the district master schedule.

NOTE: To display the applicable fields in the grid, click the Section Information heading below the grid. An arrow is displayed next to the heading to indicate that those fields are displayed above.

Pop Srvd - Verify the field for all course-sections.

Class Type - Verify the field for all course-sections.

Role ID - Verify the field for all course-sections.

The following fields must be entered in the campus master schedule (section record); they do not exist in the district master schedule:

Days (of the week), Time Begin, and Time End - Used to calculate monthly minutes for extracting staff responsibility data.

Class Role - Verify the field for all course-sections. This value is used when extracting staff responsibility data to identify the teacher of record.

NOTE: For instructional staff, these records may come from staff demo record in Personnel or from the master schedule in Grade Reporting, or both, depending on how your district is set up.

Reported Elements from Section:

ElementCode TableData ElementASCENDER Name
E0170—-NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASSEnrolled Students Sem #
E1055C179CLASS-TYPE-CODEClass Type(s)