State Reporting > Extracts > Midyear

The Midyear Extract page extracts data for the ActualExtension interchange. The extract may need to be run multiple times, once to extract revenues and expenditures, and again to extract fund balances. If there are accounts with multiple fiscal years in the file ID, multiple extracts may be needed.

CAUTION: Each time you extract data using the Delete ALL and Add options, you overwrite the data in the frozen files (i.e., the State Reporting maintenance pages), including any data that was manually entered. If you extract multiple times, make sure to select one of the options to Add New records. It is recommended that all extracts are completed before making changes to the frozen file.

Mid-Year Data Extract

Delete ALL and Add(Recommended) Select to delete all existing data for this fiscal year from the State Reporting tables before extracting and adding new data to the State Reporting tables.

Select this option, if you are extracting classes 5xxx-8xxx for the first time.
Add NewSelect to add new data to State Reporting tables without affecting previously extracted data.

If you need to extract 5xxx-8xxx for a fiscal year not included in a previous extract, select this option after you do the first extract using the above option.
Add Class 3 onlySelect to add records for all object class 3xxx accounts only. This option will overwrite any existing data for class 3xxx only.
Add Class 3 Only - Omit Budget Fund CodesSelect to extract class 3xxx records only. This option will exclude any accounts with a 3xxx object code identified as a Budget Fund Balance Obj from the Finance > Tables > Account Codes > Fund tab (e.g., 3700).
Year 1
Year 2
File IDType the file ID for the prior year according to your district's naming convention for prior year file IDs. This is maintained on ASCENDER Finance > Tables > District Finance Options.

For the specified File ID, all audit entries must be posted, and revenue and expense balances must be reconciled to the audit report.
Acct Period

Select the ending accounting period. The number corresponds to the month in which the fiscal year ends (e.g., 8 for August).

Fiscal Year

Select the ending year of the fiscal year.

For example, for the 2021-2022 school year, select 2. See Year 2 below:

Leave the Year 2 fields blank unless you have 5xxx-8xxx records for multiple fiscal years in the same File ID.

Year 2 automatically increments the fiscal year by 1 from the Fiscal Year field in the Year 1 field above.

Extracting Multiple Fiscal Year Data Example

Crosswalk OptionsSelect any crosswalks you are using.

❏ Click Run.

PrintView the report.
If you navigate away from the extract page, the Print button will no longer be available.

Review the accuracy of the data. If you extracted only class 3xxx, the report only lists those fund balances.

Save the PDF file.

Click Close Report to close the report tab/window.
ErrorIf errors are encountered, view the error report.

❏ On the extract page, click Save.

CAUTION: You must click Save to add the data to the frozen files. If you do not click Save, you will need to re-extract the data.

The “Finance records were successfully written to TSDS” message is displayed.

NOTE: Data can be re-extracted, but you will overwrite any existing data in the frozen files when you click Save, unless you select Add New under Method when re-extracting data

❏ After extracting class 5xxx-8xxx data, do one of the following:

Setting parameters for Class 3 extract

Setting parameters for Class 3 extract report

Manually entering ending fund balances

NOTE: Fund Balances should be entered with the opposite sign as displayed in Finance. For example, if the balance is -2,9750,000 in Finance, enter as 2,9750,000 in State Reporting. The extract automatically makes the change.

❏ Run the extract a second time to add the remaining data.

❏ Click Run.

❏ Click Print to review the data.

❏ Click Save to add the records to the “frozen file” in State Reporting.

The report will only show the records defined in this extract. You can view complete data on the State Reporting > Maintenance > Mid Year > Finance Actual.

NOTE: You may run the extract a third time if you want to bring over the fund balance accounts.