CAUTION! Each time you extract data, you overwrite the data in the frozen files (i.e., maintenance pages), including any data that was manually entered.

Ending School Year

(Display only) The submission year as entered in the Submission Year field on State Reporting > Options is displayed.

Local Program for Dyslexia Reporting

(Display only) The district local program code used to track dyslexic students is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Dyslexia Reporting field on State Reporting > Options.

Local Program for Early College High School Reporting

(Display only) The district local program code used to track students participating in the Early College High School (ECHS) program is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Early College High School Reporting field on State Reporting > Options.

Local Program Code for IGC Reporting

(Display only) The district local program code used to track students assigned to an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for IGC Reporting field on State Reporting > Options.

Local Program Code for Intervention Strategy

(Display only) The district local program code used to track students participating in an intervention strategy at any time of the year is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Intervention Strategy field on State Reporting > Options.

Local Program Code for Pathways in Technology

(Display only) The district local program code used to track students in grade levels 9-12 who are participating in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School program is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Pathways in Technology field on State Reporting > Options.

Local Program for 504

(Display only) The district local program code used to track students who receive assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at any time during the school year is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Section 504 field on State Reporting > Options.

Local Program for T-STEM Academy Reporting

(Display only) The district local program code used to track students participating in the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (T-STEM) Initiative program is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for T-STEM Academy Reporting field on State Reporting > Options.

Select all Extracts

Select to extract all data. Otherwise, select individual data below.


Select to extract the following data: Student Demographic, Graduation Program, Basic, Spec Ed, CTE Attendance, and Student - Title I, Part A (semester 2 only).

Semester to Extract

Select the semester from which you are extracting records. Select All to extract data from semesters 1 and 2.

If you select All, semesters 1 and 2 are extracted sequentially in the same run.

If you select 2 or All, Title I Part A data is automatically extracted.

Title I Part A

(Display only) Title I Part A data is extracted when semester 2 attendance data is extracted.

IMPORTANT! The attendance extract must be run for each semester.

Course Extracts

NOTE: You can select to run the Classroom Link and Course Completions extracts individually; however, the program expects the Classroom Link extract to be run first. If you select to extract Course Completion data but do not select to extract Classroom Link data, the program verifies that Classroom Link records exist for the current school year. If they do not exist, a message is displayed and no data is extracted.

NOTE: A student's course entry date cannot be the same as the semester end date.

Classroom Link
Course Completion

Select to extract the following data:Student Demographic and Course Completion.

Grade 01 - Grade 12 - If you run this extract before the end of school OR before assigning pass/fail indicators, you must enter the appropriate Default Pass/Fail/Credit Indicators according to the TWEDS C136 table.

Grade levels 1-8 use default code 13.
Grade levels 9-12 use default code 01.

If you set default codes for all students, you may need to update some individual student records using the following codes:

• 00 - ASCENDER Code - Record will not be included in the Interchanges
• 01 - Course Was Passed And Credit Was Received
• 02 - Course Was Failed And No Credit Was Received – First Occurrence This School Year
• 03 - Course Was Failed And No Credit Was Received – Second Occurrence This School Year
• 04 - Course Was Passed, But Credit Was Not Received Due To Excessive Absences – First Occurrence This School Year
• 05 - Course Was Passed, But Credit Was Not Received Due To Excessive Absences – Second Occurrence This School Year
• 06 - Course Was Passed, But Credit Was Not Received (other parts of the course have not been taken)
• 07 - Course Was Passed, But Credit Was Not Received (other parts of the course have been taken but not passed)
• 08 - Course Was Failed, But Credit Was Received (other parts of the course have been passed and credit was awarded based on the grades in those parts)
• 09 - Course Work Is Incomplete And No Credit Has Been Awarded
• 10 - Course Was Passed, But Credit Was Not Received (course had previously been passed, and was repeated for better mastery)
• 11 - Course Was Failed And No Credit Was Received – third occurrence this school year
• 12 - Course Was Passed, But Credit Was Not Received Due To Excessive Absences – third occurrence this school year
• 13 - Non-High School Course Passed
• 14 - Non-High School Course Failed


Select to extract the following data: InterchangeStudentExtension and InterchangeStudentDisciplineExtension.

Flexible Attendance

Select to extract the following data: InterchangeStudentExtension and InterchangeStudentAttendanceExtension.


Select to extract the following data: Student Demographic and Student Restraint.

Special Education

Select to extract the following data: Interchange StudentExtension and Interchange StudentSpecialEducationEventExtension


(Optional) Type your email address if you wish to receive email notification when the extract is complete.

❏ Click Run.