State Reporting > Utilities > Create TSDS Core Collections Interchanges

The Campus ID in this screen runs the interchange by the enrollment campus, not by the evaluation campus.

The Child Find SPPI-11 and Child Find SPPI-12 Indicators from Demo1 are used to identify SPPI-11 and SPPI-12 students and will not extract.

It is recommended to run the interchanges with Campus set to blank to ensure all students are reported regardless of Campus Evaluation ID or Campus Enrollment ID.

NOTE: The STUDENT-ABSENCES-WITHIN-TIMEFRAME calculation in the Student Program Extension Interchange does not include absences from prior year.
For the 2023-2024 school year, this data will need to be manually updated in the interchange.

State Reporting Child Find Core Collection menu


Select the submission type. For the Child Find submission, select Child Find.

Ending School Year

(Display only) The submission year, as entered in the Submission Year field on State Reporting > Options, is displayed.

For example, for the 2021-2022 Child Find submission, the field should display 2022.

The interchanges are listed according to the Core Collection field.

❏ Select All TSDS Collection Interchanges (e.g., All TSDS Child Find Interchanges) to create all interchanges for Child Find.

Or, select the individual interchange you want to create.

Selected Students

The field is enabled if you selected all interchanges or a student-related interchange. Type or click the ellipsis to select the students for whom you want to create an interchange. Separate multiple students (Texas unique student IDs) with a comma (e.g., 6895409515,1628657282,2986961713). Leave blank to select all students.

Note: At least one interchange must be selected in order for this field to retrieve students.

❏ Click Run.

When the process is complete, you are prompted to save a .zip file containing the individual files for the completed interchanges.

The default name of the zipped folder is, where:


The default name for the individual files is District_Campus_Collection_TimeStamp_Interchange.xml, where:

Example: 120120_000_2019TSDS_202002030954_InterchangeStudentParentExtension.xml

❏ If errors are encountered:

  1. Correct the data in ASCENDER.
  2. Re-run the interchange(s).