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Crs Assign tab with StudentSectionAssociation elements highlighted

Interchange: StudentEnrollmentExtension
Complex Type: StudentSectionAssociation

For the ECDS PK submission, one StudentSectionAssociation complex type data record must be reported for each reportable course from TEDS code table C022 that was attempted or completed by each PK student in membership.

❏ STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE Entry Date (E1069) is the date(s) the student was assigned, or reassigned, to a particular course-section in the current school year. For the ECDS PK submission, this identifies the first date a student was assigned to the class in the current school year.

❏ STUDENT-END-DATE WD Date (E1070) is the last date(s) the student was assigned, or reassigned to a particular course-section in the current school year. For the ECDS PK submission, this identifies the last date a student was assigned to the class in the current school year.

academy/ecds_pk_verify_crs_assign.1556283838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/26 08:03 (external edit)