The following Organization data is always maintained from the maintenance pages; there is no extract, unless you used the Import External File utility.

State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > County District

County District tab

Reported Elements from County/District:

ElementCode TableData ElementASCENDER Name
E0212—- DISTRICT-IDDistrict ID
E0213—-DISTRICT-NAMEDistrict Name

NOTE: As of the 2019-2020 school year, the field is not mandatory at campuses that do not offer grade levels 10-12, per TWEDS 2020.2.0. The field is required at campuses with grade levels 10-12.

E1645C223GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE District-wide Gifted and Talented
E1643C220PROGRAM-OF-STUDY CTE Programs of Study

State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > Campus ID

Campus ID tab

Reported Elements from Campus ID:

ElementCode TableData ElementASCENDER Name
E0266—- CAMPUS-IDCampus
E1641C219CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT-TYPE-CODECampus Enrollment Type

IMPORTANT: Campus Name must match the name in the TEA Directory in AskTED.

State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > Shared Services Arrangement

Shared Services Arrangement tab

Reported Elements from Shared Services Arrangement:

ElementCode TableData ElementASCENDER Name
E0777—-FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID Fiscal Agent District ID

NOTE: For the fall submission, Shared Service Arrangements are not reported for charter schools.

State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > Contracted Instructional Staff

Contracted Instructional Staff tab

Reported Elements from Contracted Instructional Staff:

ElementCode TableData ElementASCENDER Name
E0320C049 PROGRAM-INTENT-CODEProgram Intent Code
E0980—-TOTAL-CONTRACTED-INSTR-STAFF-FTES Total Contracted Instru Staff

When calculating contracted instructional staff FTEs, the following items must be considered:

For example, Mrs. Ramirez is hired on a contracted instructional staff basis to teach the tuba to three tuba players. Her contract specifies that she will work two hours each Monday and each Friday for the entire school year. Her FTE is 0.25 (two hours worked divided by the eight hour work day in the district) multiplied by 0.40 (two days divided by five days) multiplied by 1.0 (36 weeks worked divided by the 36 week instructional year), for a reported FTE of 0.10.