Correct frozen data.

You may find extracted or merged records containing incomplete or inaccurate information. Use the summer maintenance pages to update and correct the data saved in the district database (i.e., frozen data).

Data on these pages is updated every time data is extracted, including data that is manually entered.

NOTE: You cannot maintain data on maintenance pages while running an extract; a warning message is displayed on all summer maintenance pages indicating that the extract is in progress, and the Save button is disabled.

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Course Section

Course Section tab

Correct data for the SectionExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Course Section tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Demo

Student Demo tab

Correct data for the StudentExtension and StudentGraduationProgramExtension complex types as needed.

Cross reference for Student Demo tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Basic Att

Student Basic Att tab

Correct data for the BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Student Basic Att tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Special Ed Att

Student Special Ed Att tab

Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Student Special Ed Att tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > CTE Att

Student CTE Att tab

Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Student CTE Att tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Course Complt

Student Course Completion tab

Correct data for the StudentSectionAssociation and StudentTranscriptExtension complex types as needed.

NOTE: If you entered default values in the Default Pass/Fail/Credit Indicators fields on the Summer Extract page, be sure to update the Pass/Fail field for any students who failed.

Cross reference for Student Course Completion tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Discipline

Student Discipline tab

Correct data for the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Student Discipline tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Restraint

Student Restraint tab

Correct data for the RestraintEventExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Restraint tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Title I Part A

Student Title I Part A tab

Correct data for the StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociationExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Title I Part A tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible Att

Student Flexible Att tab

Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Flexible Attendance tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible Spec Ed Att

Student Flexible Special Ed Att tab

Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Flexible Special Ed Attendance tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible CTE Att

Student Flexible CTE Att tab

Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Flexible CTE Attendance tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Industry Cert

Industry Cert tab

Correct data for the StudentExtension complex type as needed.

The IBC Exam Fee and IBC Vendor will extract directly from the Graduation Plan or Registration application to the Student Extension Interchange.

Cross reference for Industry Cert tab:

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Special Ed

Special Ed tab

Correct data for the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationExtension complex type as needed.

Cross reference for Special Ed tab: