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Contracted Instructional Staff

TSDS > Maintenance > Organization > Contracted Instructional Staff

Complex type: ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExtension

Contracted instructional staff includes contracted instructors, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and any other professional staff working in the classroom on a dedicated basis. One record should be created for each campus and for each program intent code.

Modify a record:

Click +Add to add a blank row.

Field Description
Campus ID
Program Intent CodeSelect the code indicating the particular set of students for whom the cost of instruction and other services are directed.
Total Cont Instr Staff


Type the measurement of the portion of professional contracted instructional staff, expressed as a multiple of the standard work day, such as 7.7 FTEs.

When calculating contracted instructional staff FTEs, the following items must be considered:

• The percent of the day worked (number of hours worked divided by the number of work hours in the standard day),

• The percent of days per week worked (number of days worked divided by 5), and

• The percentage of weeks worked (the number of weeks worked divided by the number of weeks in the work year).

For example, Mrs. Jones is hired on a contracted instructional staff basis to teach the tuba to three tuba players. Her contract specifies that she will work two hours each Monday and each Friday for the entire school year. Her FTE is 0.25 (two hours worked divided by the eight hour work day in the district) multiplied by 0.40 (two days divided by five days) multiplied by 1.0 (36 weeks worked divided by the 36 week instructional year), for a reported FTE of 0.10.

Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Delete a row.
Retrieve Retrieve data from last save.
maintenance/organization/staff.1472747527.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/29 12:17 (external edit)