Course Section (Summer)

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Course Section

Update data for the SectionExtension complex type as needed.

The SectionExtension complex represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided to one or more students for a given period of time. This includes the current year courses taken by a student or taught by a teacher. A course may be offered to more than one class/section. Instruction, provided by one or more teachers or other staff members, may be delivered in person or via a different medium.

Cross reference for Course Section tab:

Modify a record:



Select the campus.

Click Small Picklist to add or change the code for the field.

❏ Enter one of the following, or leave blank to retrieve all:

Class ID


Type the 14-digit number identifying the class. The class ID can be any 14-character district-defined identifier comprised of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies a class at the employee and campus level. Spaces are not allowed. The ID is unique for each employee at the campus.

The first 7-11 digits are required. The length depends on the length of the course number. The ID is automatically zero-filled when you save.

When extracting from the master schedule, the class ID is set to the course number (4-8 digits) + 2-digit section number + 1-digit semester number + padding with zeros.

This is an autosuggest field. As you begin typing, the drop-down list displays class IDs that match the numbers you have typed.

Service ID

Code table: C022

Select the code indicating the services supplied by the employee. Service IDs that begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9 are not reported. Service IDs for PK and KG that begin with 02 cannot be reported. Verify that all service IDs to be reported exist in code table 022 (C022) in the TEDS.

This is an autosuggest field. As you begin typing, the drop-down list displays service IDs that match the numbers you have typed.

❏ Click Retrieve.

Existing course sections for the specified criteria displayed.

❏ Click +Add.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Course Sequence

Code table: C135

This is the order in which the course was scheduled. This should only be used if the course, or part of the course, is taught out of sequence. Leave blank if the course is not taught out of sequence.

Rule 43415-0036: If a student passed a course where Dual Credit is selected and Course Sequence is 0, 2, 5, or 9, then College Credit Hrs must be greater than 0.


Type the class period when the class was offered.

Non-Campus Based Instruction

Code table: C182

Select the code indicating if the course was not taught by a school employee or a contracted teacher, or was taught at a facility other than the campus where the student is enrolled.

Population Served

Code table: C030

Select the student population for which the service has been designed or is intended.

This field accommodates noncampus-based courses in the summer extract.

By default, the value from the district master schedule record (i.e., the Pop Srvd field on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule) is displayed but can be changed. This field is extracted from the section present if present; otherwise, it is extracted from the district-level record.

❏ Click Save.

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.