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You must manually enter course completion data for dual-credit courses taken in summer.

In submission 4, one StudentAcademicRecord complex type must be submitted for each unique class (course-section) that was attended by a student during the summer (between school years) for the purpose of attempting to earn dual credit.

PEIMS Extended Year Submission (4): Reporting students that completed courses during the summer (between school years) for:

  • a high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) course, or
  • a dual credit course, or
  • College Preparatory Course English Language Arts (CP110100), or
  • College Preparatory Course Mathematics (CP111200).

NOTE: You cannot report more than six course completion records per student.

State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Student > Course Completion

Course Completion tab

❏ Update data for the CourseTranscriptExtension and StudentAcademicRecord complex types as needed.

Campus ID


Type or select the three-digit campus ID.

For submission 4, this is the campus that scheduled and/or awarded the high school credit for the dual-credit course attempted by the student in the summer between school years.

Class ID


Type the 14-digit number identifying the class. The class ID can be any 14-character district-defined identifier comprised of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies a class at the employee and campus level. Spaces are not allowed. The ID is unique for each employee at the campus.

The first 7-11 digits are required. The length depends on the length of the course number. The ID is automatically zero-filled when you save.

When extracting from the master schedule, the class ID is set to the course number (4-8 digits) + 2-digit section number + 1-digit semester number + padding with zeros.

Service ID

Code table: C022

Select the code indicating the services supplied by the employee. Service IDs that begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9 are not reported. Service IDs for PK and KG that begin with 02 cannot be reported. Verify that all service IDs to be reported exist in code table 022 (C022) in the TEDS.

Course Sequence

Code table: C135

This is the order in which the course was scheduled. This should only be used if the course, or part of the course, is taught out of sequence. Leave blank if the course is not taught out of sequence.

Rule 43415-0036: If a student passed a course where Dual Credit is selected and Course Sequence is 0, 2, 5, or 9, then College Credit Hrs must be greater than 0.


Code table: C136

Select the student's outcome for the course. You must enter a pass/fail indicator for each service ID reported.

Rule 43415-0036: If a student passed a course where Dual Credit is selected and Course Sequence is 0, 2, 5, or 9, then College Credit Hrs must be greater than 0.

Dual Credit

Code table: C088

Select if the student is eligible to receive both high school and college credit for the course. You can select Dual Credit or ATC, but not both.

Rule 43415-0036: If a student passed a course where Dual Credit is selected and Course Sequence is 0, 2, 5, or 9, then College Credit Hrs must be greater than 0.

College Credit Hrs


This is the number of college hours the student earned for the completion of the dual-credit course. If a student takes a dual-credit course and does not complete the course, type 0.

PEIMS code table: C088

For Submission 4, the field must be 0 (i.e., not selected).
Course Completion


This indicates if the student finished the full sequence of instruction for the course, but does not necessarily indicate that the student met all requirements to receive credit or a grade for the course.


All students must have a Pass/Fail indicator to create the course completion record.

Begin Date


Type the beginning date for the student's current year class assignment. Use the MMDDYYYY format. This is the date the dual-credit course began. If a student is assigned to a class, withdraws from that class, and then returns to that class at a later date, there must be a record for each begin date.

End Date


Type the ending date for the student's current year class assignment. Use the MMDDYYYY format. This is the date the dual-credit course ended. If a student withdraws from a class, returns to that class, and then withdraws from class at a later date, there must be a course completion record for each of these STUDENT-END-DATEs. Whether or not a student completes a particular course section, report the STUDENT-END-DATE as the last day the student was assigned to the class. The STUDENT-END-DATE should never be greater than a student’s withdrawal date from the campus.

❏ Click Save.

academy/extended_correct_frozen_course_completion.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/06 18:50 by apape