Build any necessary crosswalk tables. For Submission 1, the following tables can be used:
Crosswalks are retained from year to year. If tables exist from prior years, ensure that they are up to date.
Staff Responsibilities 042 and 043 Notes:
Crosswalk tables allow you to define periods and service IDs and used to calculate monthly minutes. Using crosswalks is recommended, particularly for campuses that use a modified block schedule.
The service ID and period at the campus must be unique in the table. You can only create one record per period per campus in each crosswalk table, and you can only create one record per service ID per campus in each table.
If you use crosswalk tables to calculate instructional minutes, leave the Time Begin and Time End fields blank on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section for each section at the campus. When the fields are blank, the crosswalk tables are used.
You can enter Time Begin and Time End for some sections and leave others blank.
The staff responsibility extract will always use data from the section record if it exists, even if a crosswalk exists.
If the Time Begin and Time End fields are blank, the extract program looks at the Responsibilities - From Campus/Service ID to Minutes crosswalk. If that crosswalk is blank, the program looks at the Responsibilities - From Campus/Period to Minutes crosswalk.
The monthly minutes value is calculated as follows:
(Number of minutes of the class (period)) x (number of days in the week the class meets) x (Number of weeks in the month the class meets)
A class taught for one hour every day:
(60 minutes of the class) x (5 days per week) x (4 weeks per month) = 1200
A class taught for one hour three times per week:
(60 minutes of the class) x (3 days per week) x (4 weeks per month) = 720
Note that four weeks per month is the default, because there are generally four weeks prior to the fall snapshot date.
❏ In the Crosswalk Table field, select 042-Responsibilities - From Campus/Period to Minutes.
❏ Any existing data is displayed. Add and delete data as needed.
❏ Click Save.
Block Schedule Example (A/B bell schedule):
A Day: Periods are 1-4. In weeks 1 and 3, classes meet 3 days per week. In weeks 2 and 4, classes meet 2 days per week.
B Day: Periods are 5-8. In weeks 1 and 3, classes meet 2 days per week. In weeks 2 and 4, classes meet 3 days per week.
Classes are 85 minutes each day.
Monthly minutes calculation:
(85 x 3 days x 2 weeks) + (85 x 2 days x 2 weeks)
85 x 5 x 2 = 850 minutes
❏ In the Crosswalk Table field, select 043-Responsibilities - From Campus/Service ID to Minutes. Click Retrieve.
❏ Any existing data is displayed. Add and delete data as needed.
❏ Click Save.
This crosswalk allows you to enter the number of days and minutes in which the PE teacher provides physical education instruction each week at the campus for the four weeks in October that include the last Friday in October. This is required for all teachers of record for course-sections associated with the following physical education (PE) service IDs:
All districts will use this crosswalk, except for Business-only districts whose responsibility records come from Human Resources, or if PE service IDs are not used for PE courses, or if your PE service ID courses do not have students.
Important: Minutes for any holidays should be included.
These fields are not reported for employees with PE substitution responsibilities (i.e., employees with service IDs PES00000-PES00015).
Records are created for non-campus-based PE courses (i.e., Non Campus Based is greater than 00 in the campus master schedule) if the course is taught during semester 1 and at least one student is enrolled in the class.
This crosswalk is not used for Business-only districts whose responsibility records come from Personnel, or if PE service IDs are not used for PE courses, or if your PE service ID courses do not have students. All other districts should use this crosswalk.
❏ In the Crosswalk Table field, select 044-PE Responsibilities - Campus/Crs/Sec.
❏ The first time you access the page, there will be rows from the previous year displayed. Click Delete then click Create to add current year courses.
A list of course-sections associated with physical education (PE) service IDs is listed. This list is predefined and cannot be changed.
The From column lists course-sections in the campus-course-section format, where:
❏ For the Teacher of Record for each course-section listed, enter the following information for the four weeks in October that include the last Friday in October:
These fields are automatically populated according to the Days code entered on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section for each course-section meeting time. The program calculates the minutes in the days from the section Time Begin/End and sums for each meeting time the days per week for that meeting time, then multiplies the minutes per day for that meeting time to calculate the minutes for each week.
❏ Click Save.
❏ Click Print to print the data displayed.
❏ If new PE responsibilities records are found the next time you access the page, the Create button will be replaced with the Refresh button. Click Refresh to add new records to the grid.
NOTE: You cannot delete data row by row. You must click Delete to delete all rows on the page. Then, click Create to populate the page with PE course-sections. Then, you can re-enter all data.
WARNING: If you click Delete, all rows are deleted.
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