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District Admin Non-Employee tab

Reported Elements from Non-Employee:

ElementCode TableData ElementASCENDER Name
  • Staff Type 3: If the staff person has a non-employee record (Instructional Staff fields must be completed), then the non-employee field is set to Y indicating that the staff person is a non-employee (i.e., a contracted instructional staff person (instructional and non-instructional)).
  • Staff Type 4: Indicates a teacher employed at the in-district charter campus by an organization that has been granted a campus charter under TEC, Chapter 12, Subchapter C and is eligible for benefits under TEC, §11.174 and 11.147(b).
  • 1 - School District or Charter School Employee
  • 3 - Contracted Professional Staff
  • 4 - In-District Charter Prtnr Campus Teacher

NOTE: The STAFF-TYPE-CODE will be set to 1 (school district or charter school employee) by default, unless the employee has a record on the Non-Employee tab in District Admin.

academy/fall_submission_verify_district_admin_non_employee.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/20 14:45 by apape