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Complex Type: ClassPeriod

Description: Represents the designation of regularly scheduled series of class meetings at designated times and days of the week.

The following element from the ClassPeriod complex type is included in Submission 3:

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section

❏ CLASS-PERIOD Per Begin and Per End (E1074) identify the time of the school day that a class was offered.

Complex Type: Course

Description: Represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students (i.e., the catalog of all courses offered at each campus).

The following element from the Course complex type is included in Submission 3:

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule

❏ SERVICE-ID Service ID (E0724) refers to the services supplied by staff. Service IDs that begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9 are not reported. Service IDs for PK and KG that begin with 02 cannot be reported.

general/guide_summer_verify_txeis_data_org_edorg.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 07:43 by