For Submission 3, data is reported for staff with ROLE-IDs 033 (Educational Aide assigned to a Prekindergarten Course Section), 047 (Substitute Teacher), and 087 (Teacher).
Complex Type: StaffExtension
Description: Represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.
The following elements from the StaffExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information
❏ STAFF-ID Staff ID/SSN (E0505) is the employee’s SSN.
❏ FIRST-NAME Legal - First (E0703) is the employee’s legal first name. Do not use an initial unless an initial is the legal first name.
❏ MIDDLE-NAME Legal - Middle (E0704) is the employee’s legal middle name as shown on the identification documentation used for employment. If the employee has no middle name, the field must be blank. The middle name can be reported as blank for employees only when the employee does not have a middle name on his identification
documentation. Do not use text such as NONE or NA.
❏ LAST-NAME Legal - Last (E0705) is the employee’s legal last name.
❏ GENERATION-CODE Legal - Generation (E0706) is a suffix attached to the employee’s name. The field can be blank. The field must be blank if the employee does not have a generation suffix on his name based on the identification documentation used for employment.
❏ SEX-CODE Sex (E0004) indicates the employee’s gender.
❏ DATE-OF-BIRTH DOB (E0006) is the month, day, and year of the employee’s birth.
❏ HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE Hispanic/Latino (E1064) indicates a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
❏ AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE American Indian Alaskan Native (E1059) indicates a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment.
❏ ASIAN-CODE Asian (E1060) indicates a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent.
❏ BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE Black African American (E1061) indicates a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
❏ NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (E1062) indicates a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
❏ WHITE-CODE White (E1063) indicates a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Employment Info
❏ HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE Highest Degree (E0730) is the highest grade level in school completed or its equivalent, or the highest degree received.
❏ TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE Years Experience (Professional) - Total (E0130) is the number of verifiable years of creditable experience. Only completed years of professional experience (not including the current year) are counted. This is only reported for professional staff.
❏ YEARS-EXPERIENCE-IN-DISTRICT Years Experience (Professional) - In District (E0161) is the number of completed years that a person has been employed in any professional position in the current district or education service center, whether or not there has been any interruption in service.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info
❏ STAFF-TYPE-CODE Pay Type (E1073) indicates if the staff person is on the district payroll or is a contracted instructional staff person. For Submission 3, all classroom teachers must be reported.
Human Resources > Tables > Credentials > Teaching Specialization
The PEIMS PK Teacher Requirement field is used to indicate if a particular teaching specialization code is associated with required additional qualifications for the High Quality Prekindergarten grant.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Credentials
❏ PK-TEACHER-REQUIREMENT PEIMS PK Teacher Requirement/Teaching Specialization (E1581) indicates how the instructor meets the requirement for prekindergarten certification. This only applies if you have received the High Quality Prekindergarten grant.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1600 - Certification Report
HRS1600 allows you to view a list of instructors assigned to a particular teacher specialization code that is associated with the PK teacher certification requirement.
Complex Type: StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension
Description: Represents the education organization an employee, contractor, volunteer or other service provider is formally associated with, typically indicated by which organization the staff member has a services contract with or receives their compensation.
Only staff with ROLE-ID 047 (Substitute Teacher) or 087 (Teacher) are required to be submitted in Submission 3.
The following elements from the StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Employment Info
❏ PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED Percent Day Employed (E0760) is the percentage of a standard district work day for which the employee is hired to work. For an employee on contract, the percentage can be determined directly from the contract: full-time = 100, half- time = 050, and so on. For a non-contract employee, the percentage can be
determined as follows.
Example: The standard work day for the district is 7 hours. An employee is hired to work for 4 hours per day. This data element is coded as 057 for the employee because 4/7 = .571, which is rounded down.
Employees such as cafeteria workers and bus drivers who work only a few hours each day should not be reported as 100 in this field. Consider the number of hours worked in relation to the standard district work day, not the job.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info
❏ NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED Calendar/Local Info - # of Days Empld (E0160) is the actual number of at-work days within the school year the person is scheduled to work in the district. This number does not include holidays, weekends, and any other days the employee is not scheduled to work. If a person does not work the same amount of days as shown on the contract (e.g., the person does not begin work at the start of the school year), the actual number of days the employee will work must be reported. If a workday calendar is set up on HR > Tables > Workday Calendars, the # of Days Empld field is set according to the selected calendar. If a calendar is not set up, the # of Days Empld field is determined by the Begin Date and End Date fields on the Job Info tab, or can be manually entered.
Complex Type: TeacherSectionAssociationExtension
Description: Represents a person employed by the LEA or other educational unit engaged in student instruction. These persons are instructional-type staff members.
At least one TeacherSectionAssociationExtension record must be submitted in Submission 3 for each reportable unique course-section that was offered during the school year.
The following elements from the TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:
❏ COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) - Described previously.
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section
❏ CLASS-ROLE Class Role (E1067) indicates the role served by an instructor for a class, such as Teacher of Record, Assistant Teacher, or Support Teacher. Only Class Role 01 (Teacher of Record) is reported in the summer submission.
❏ ROLE-ID Role ID (E0721) indicates the capacity in which the instructor serves, such as teacher or therapist.
NOTE: The Role ID field exists on both the district course and the campus section records. If a code exists on the section record, it is extracted from the section record. If the code is blank on the section record, the code is extracted from the district course record.
❏ ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE Entry Date (E1065) is the date the instructor was assigned, or reassigned, to a particular course-section in the current school year. If more than one instructor is assigned to a course-section during the duration of a course-section, a record is required for each instructor that was assigned to the course-section.
❏ ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE Withdraw Date (E1066) is the last date the instructor was assigned to a particular course-section in the current school year.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1250 - Employee Data Listing
HRS1250 allows you to verify demographic, responsibilities, salary, and account data for employees, one person per page. For the Include Reports parameter, select Payroll, Job, Distribution, and Responsibility.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Payroll Information Reports > HRS6350 - Employee Responsibility Data
HRS6350 provides responsibility data entered for employees, one employee per page.
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