Complex Type: BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension
Description: Represents the recording of a student’s regular reporting period attendance.
The following elements from the BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:
❏ GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) - Described previously.
❏ INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE (E0975) - Described previously.
❏ REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) - Described previously.
❏ NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) - Described previously.
❏ TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) is the total number of days the student was present and eligible for Foundation School Program funding during a particular reporting period. This is calculated as the number of days the student was enrolled in the reporting period minus the number of days the student was absent.
❏ ATTENDANCE-EVENT-INDICATOR (E1085) is the attendance event type (i.e., Regular, Bilingual, CTE, ESL, PRS, Special Ed, Flexible-Regular, Flexible-Bilingual, Flexible-CTE, Flexible-ESL, Flexible-PRS, Flexible-Special Ed). This is hard coded in the program according to the code table C188.
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll
❏ TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0936) is the total number of days the student was present but ineligible for Foundation School Program funding during a particular reporting period. This is a count of the days the student was enrolled in school but not eligible for membership.
Attendance > Maintenance > Student > Student Inquiry > Cumulative
❏ TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT (E0036) is the total number of days the student was absent during a particular reporting period.
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > PK Enroll
❏ PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE PK Program Code (E1078) is the length of the student’s PK instructional day. The code is required for all PK students reported in Submission 3.
❏ PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE PK Funding Source (E1079) indicates the primary source of funding for the PK student.
❏ SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE PK Secondary Funding (E1080) indicates the secondary source of funding for the PK student.
Attendance > Maintenance > District > Posting Codes
Verify all district posting codes, paying close attention to the ADA Codes.
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll
Ensure that valid campus entry and withdrawal dates are entered for all students.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0500 - Campus Attendance Summary
SAT0500 provides absence information by campus, track, and period. You can use the report to verify attendance for each day, period, and code.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0900 - Campus/District Summary Report
SAT0900 provides the eligible/ineligible attendance days present and absent and special program contact hours. SAT0900 should be run at the end of every cycle to verify data.
NOTE: The Oath and Affidavits page must be signed and retained for audit purposes.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0920 - Campus/District Multi-Track Summary Report
SAT0920 provides multi-track campus or district summary reports that meet the audit documentation requirements specified in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. The report is similar to SAT0900 but allows you to run the report for all tracks at once.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Membership > SAT1700 - Entry/Withdrawal Summary
SAT1700 lists students who withdrew during a specified semester-cycle or date range, including students who withdrew and reentered. Verify all entry/withdrawal rows are correct.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SAT0400 - Daily Attendance Summary
SAT0400 should be run daily and verified for accuracy against instructor records. Confirm that you have this report for all days of membership. Verify that you have withdrawal forms (section #5 on report) with matching dates on file in the student records.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SAT1900 - Perfect Attendance Report
Run SAT1900 for the first semester-cycle of the school year through the final semester-cycle. Use this report to verify actual membership. Verify that all students on the report have course schedules and course completion records.
Complex Type: SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension
Description: Represents the recording of a student’s special programs reporting period attendance.
The following elements from the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:
❏ INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE (E0975) - Described previously.
❏ GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) - Described previously.
❏ ATTENDANCE-EVENT-INDICATOR (E1085) - Described previously.
❏ REPORTING PERIOD INDICATOR CODE (E0934) - Described previously.
❏ NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) - Described previously.
❏ TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) - Described previously.
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ESL
❏ TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT (E0938) is the total number of days the student was present and eligible to participate in the state-approved bilingual/ESL program during a particular reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in Bil/ESL in the reporting period minus the number of days the student was absent.
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > PRS
❏ TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT (E0939) is the total number of days a female student was present at school or served through Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI) and eligible to receive pregnancy-related services during a particular reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in CEHI in the reporting period minus the number of days the student was absent.
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd
❏ TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT (E0940) is the total number of days a student with a special education individualized education program (IEP), which provided for the mainstream instructional arrangement/setting, was present during a particular reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in special education with the Instrl Set code set to 40 (i.e., mainstream) in the reporting period minus the number of days the student was absent.
❏ ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING-CODE (E0944) is the number of days the student was eligible and present in a designated instructional setting during a particular reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in special education in a particular instructional setting minus the
number of days the student was absent.
❏ EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (E0945) is the number of hours above the allowable six hours per day of combined CTE and special education and related services in a designated instructional setting during a particular reporting period. The Foundation School funding for LEAs is limited to six contact hours per day per student.
❏ INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE Instrl Set (E0173) identifies the setting used to provide instruction to students.
❏ REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE Regional Day School Deaf (E0833) indicates if the student is receiving instructional services from the regional day school program for the deaf.
❏ DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE RDSD Fiscal Agent (E1527) is the RDSPD Fiscal Agent district that provides the RDSPD service to a particular RDSPD student.
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > CTE
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3
❏ ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1 (E0950) is the total number of days the student was eligible, present, and enrolled in an approved CTE course that generated one contact hour during a particular reporting period.
This is determined as follows:
❏ ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2 (E0951) is the total number of days the student was eligible, present, and enrolled in an approved CTE course that generated two contact hours during a particular reporting period.
This is determined as follows:
❏ ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3 (E0952) is the total number of days the student was eligible, present, and enrolled in an approved CTE course that generated three contact hours during a particular reporting period.
This is determined as follows:
❏ ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V4 (E0953) is the total number of days the student was eligible, present, and enrolled in an approved CTE course that generated four contact hours during a particular reporting period.
This is determined as follows:
❏ ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V5 (E0954) is the total number of days the student was eligible, present, and enrolled in an approved CTE course that generated five contact hours during a particular reporting period.
This is determined as follows:
❏ ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 (E0955) is the total number of days the student was eligible, present, and enrolled in an approved CTE course that generated six contact hours during a particular reporting period.
This is determined as follows:
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet
❏ FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE Flex Att Program (E1045) indicates the unique program to which the student’s flexible attendance is related. For submission 3, only the following programs are reported:
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT Elig Mins (E1046) is the total number of school days (in minutes) the student was present and eligible for Foundation School Program funding during a particular reporting period.
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT InElig Mins (E1047) is the total number of school days (in minutes) the student was present but ineligible for Foundation School Program funding during a particular reporting period.
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE Sp Ed Mins (E1049) is the total number of school days (in minutes) a student with a special education individualized education program (IEP), which provided for the mainstream instructional arrangement/setting (Instr Set = 40), was eligible for the instructional arrangement/ setting during a particular reporting period.
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING Sp Ed Mins (E1051) is the total number of school days (in minutes) the student was eligible for a particular special education instructional setting which was eligible for Foundation School Program funding during a particular reporting period.
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT CTE Mins (E1053) is the total number of school days (in minutes) the student was present, eligible, and enrolled in an approved CTE course during a particular reporting period.
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING Excess Mins (E1052) is the total number of school days (in minutes) the student was present in a designated instructional setting above the allowable 360-minute daily limit of combined CTE and special education and related services during a particular reporting period. The Foundation School funding is limited to six contact hours per day per student.
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE BIL/ESL Mins (E1050) is the total number of school days (in minutes) the student was eligible to participate in the state-approved bilingual/ESL program during a particular reporting period.
❏ FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE PRS Mins (E1048) is the total number of school days (in minutes) a female student was eligible for compensatory education home instruction (CEHI) services and/or pregnancy-related services (PRS) during a particular reporting period.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG1200 - Student Status Changes by Program
SRG1200 should be printed every cycle and verified by the staff person responsible for the program. Corrections should be made at that time. Type Y for each program and print each report separately. Review all data for entry errors, make corrections, reprint, and distribute to the appropriate special programs staff.
Contact hour data is collected during Submission 3.
NOTE: If participating in Optional Flexible Year Program, use a separate attendance track to move students. Students should have been moved the first day of the cycle (where the OFYP dates are scheduled) using the Record Status Change.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Student > SAT5000 - Flexible Attendance District Summary
SAT5000 is for the entire district and school year. Verify all flexible attendance data entered.
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