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Complex Type: StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension

Description: Represents students related to a discipline incident who were victims, perpetrators, witnesses, and/or reporters.

The following elements from the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:

Discipline > Maintenance > Student > Maintenance

❏ BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE Location of Incident (E1083) indicates where a student committed an applicable offense (i.e., a DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE that has a location specified in the Texas Education Code Chapter 37), if applicable.

❏ DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE Offense (E1006) indicates the reason a student was subject to disciplinary action.

Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd

❏ PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE Primary Dis (E0041) indicates the type of primary disability recorded in the student’s IEP. For submission 3, this is only reported for special education students who were participating in the special education program at the time of a particular disciplinary incident removal.

Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information

❏ MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE Multi Disability (E0882) indicates if the student has been designated as multiply disabled. For submission 3, this is only reported for special education students who were participating in the special education program at the time of a particular disciplinary incident removal.

Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ESL

❏ LEP-INDICATOR-CODE LEP Cd (E0790) indicates if the student has been identified as limited English proficient. For Submission 3, this is only reported for LEP students who were participating in the LEP program at the time of a particular disciplinary incident removal.

Complex Type: DisciplineActionExtension

Description: Represents actions taken by an education organization after a discipline incident.

The following elements from the DisciplineActionExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:

Discipline > Maintenance > Student > Maintenance

❏ REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE Reporting Period (E0934) is the period for which the attendance data is being reported. If an incident occurs in one reporting period and the disciplinary action occurs in the subsequent reporting period, use the reporting period in which the disciplinary assignment was ordered (DATE-OFDISCIPLINARY- ACTION).

❏ DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE Act (E1005) indicates the type of disciplinary action taken for the student.

❏ CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY Campus Resp (E1037) is the instructional campus at which the student was enrolled when the discipline incident occurred and the disciplinary action assigned.

❏ DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION Discp Actn Date (E1036) is the date on which the disciplinary assignment was ordered, which may not necessarily be the date on which the disciplinary infraction occurred, or the date on which the disciplinary assignment begins.

❏ OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT Official Length (E1007) is the official length in days (instructional school days only) of a student’s disciplinary assignment.

❏ ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT Actual Length (E1008) is the actual length in days of a student’s disciplinary assignment.

❏ DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE Diff Code (E1009) indicates the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment.

❏ CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT Campus Assignment (E1003) is the unique ID of the campus at which the student was placed for disciplinary reasons, if applicable.

❏ DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER Action Nbr (E1004) is a unique number identifying a discipline incident. Separate numbers are issued for separate disciplinary actions reported with identical values for STUDENT-ID and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT. The action number is assigned during the discipline data extract. If an equivalent TSDS code exists for the action, the system assigns an action number at that time.

Complex Type: DisciplineIncidentExtension

Description: Represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor problem behavior to a criminal act. A single event (e.g., a fight) is one incident regardless of how many perpetrators or victims are involved. Discipline incidents are events classified as warranting discipline action.

The following elements from the DisciplineIncidentExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:

Discipline > Maintenance > Student > Maintenance

❏ DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER Incident Nbr (E1016) designates an incident that results in one or more disciplinary actions for one or more students at a single campus. All records for all involved students must show the same incident number. This number is automatically assigned.


Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0200 - Special Ed Students in Discipline Settings

SDS0200 lists special education students who were assigned to a disciplinary setting. Students not receiving special education services for 10 or more days while in a DAEP setting must be withdrawn from the program during that time. Verify all data.

Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0300 - Bil/ESL Students in Discipline Settings

SDS0300 lists bilingual/ESL students who were assigned to a disciplinary setting. Students not receiving bilingual/ESL services for 10 or more days while in a DAEP setting must be withdrawn from the program during that time. Verify all data.

Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1000 - PEIMS Report

SDS1000 lists TSDS discipline data by grade level. Verify all data.

Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1300 - Discipline Audit Report (PEIMS Edit)

SDS1300 lists students who will trigger an edit and/or performance-based monitoring errors.

Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1700 - Discipline Suspension Attendance Verification

SDS1700 provides information from student discipline and attendance records, and flags discrepancies between the two, which allows you to review for attendance posting discrepancies on days that a student was suspended.

Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1800 - Career Tech Students in Discipline Settings

SDS1800 lists CTE students who were assigned to a disciplinary setting. Students not receiving CTE services for five or more days while in a DAEP setting must be withdrawn from the program during that time. Verify all data.

general/guide_summer_verify_txeis_data_stu_student_discipline_extension.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 07:43 by