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Complex Type: CourseTranscriptExtension

Description: Represents the final record of a student’s performance in their courses.

For Submission 3, this is reported for each student in membership in grade levels 1-12 who completed at least one course during the current school year. If a student repeats and completes a course during the year with different outcomes, each course completion must be reported.

The following elements from the CourseTranscriptExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:

❏ GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) - Described previously.

❏ SERVICE-ID (E0724) - Described previously.

❏ COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) - Described previously.

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Assign Pass Fail Indicators

Ensure that the district has run the Assign Pass/Fail Indicators utility in accordance with the steps in the ASCENDER Secondary or Elementary Grade Reporting End of Semester 2 checklist.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd/Crs Maint

❏ PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE Pass/Fail (E0949) indicates the student’s outcome for a course. The record must reflect the code determined at the end of the course.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule

SCREENSHOT - COMING SOON (programming in progress)

❏ ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT-INDICATOR-CODE OnRamps (E1597) indicates that the student successfully completed an OnRamps dual enrollment course, which is an innovative dual enrollment program coordinated by The University of Texas at Austin.


Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Student Verification > SGR1920 - Pass/Fail Verification List

Ensure that all data is accurate.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section

❏ DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE Dual Crdt (E1011) indicates if the student was eligible to receive both high school and college credit for a college course. If Dual Crdt is 1, you must enter a value in at least one of the College Credit Hrs fields.

NOTE: Dual credit courses cannot be reported as ATC courses.

❏ ATC-INDICATOR-CODE Adv Tech Crdt (E1058) indicates a high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a post-secondary institution under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) program agreement.

NOTE: ATC courses cannot be reported as dual credit courses.

❏ COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS College Credit Hrs - Sem 1 and Sem 2 (E1081) is the number of college hours the student earned each semester for the completion of a dual credit course. Values greater than 0 are only valid if the Dual Crdt field is set to 1.

Complex Type: StudentAcademicRecord

Description: Represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student.

The following element from the StudentAcademicRecord complex type is included in Submission 3:

❏ TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID (E1523) - Described previously.

general/guide_summer_verify_txeis_data_stu_student_transcript_extension.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 07:43 by