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Shared Services Arrangement

State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > Shared Services Arrangement

Update data for the SSAOrgAssociationExtension complex type as needed.

The SSAOrgAssociationExtension complex identifies the ESC/LEA fiscal agents and the ESC and/or LEA member(s) for each type of shared services arrangement (SSA) that exists among two or more ESCs and or LEAs.

Modify a record:

❏ Click +Add to add a blank row.

Shared Services Type

Code table: C049

Select the program or service provided by the SSA.

Fiscal Agent District ID


Type the six-digit ID (CCCDDD, where CCC is the county ID and DDD is the district ID) for the fiscal agent of the SSA.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Retrieve Retrieve data from last save.
maintenance/organization/ssa.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 16:04 by apape