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(OBSOLETE) Student Demographic (Fall)

This page was removed 6/25/24 with release 8.1100, AMP-9071 as TSDS sunsets.

State Reporting > Maintenance > Fall > Student > Demographic

Update data for the StudentExtension, StudentProgramExtension, and StudentSchoolAssociationExtension complex types as needed.

The StudentExtension complex represents a student for whom instruction and/or services are provided in an elementary, secondary, or post-secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of an LEA.

The StudentProgramExtension complex represents any program designed to work in conjunction with or to supplement the main academic program. Programs may provide instruction, training, services or benefits through federal, state, or local agencies. Programs may also include organized extracurricular activities for students.

The StudentProgramExtension complex represents any program designed to work in conjunction with or to supplement the main academic program. Programs may provide instruction, training, services or benefits through federal, state, or local agencies. Programs may also include organized extracurricular activities for students.

The StudentSchoolAssociationExtension complex represents the campuses in which a student is enrolled and/or withdrawn.

Cross reference for Student Demographic tab:

Modify a record:

Select a student

❏ Click Retrieve to retrieve the selected student.

❏ Under Demographic Information:

First Name


Type the person's legal first name, up to 60 characters.

Middle Name


Type the person's legal middle name, up to 60 characters.

Last Name


Type the person's legal last name, up to 60 characters.


Code table: C012

Select the generation suffix attached to the person's name.

TX Unique Stu ID


Type the student's ten-digit unique student ID. The ID cannot begin with zero.

The Texas Unique Student ID is assigned to students by TEA and issued to schools by the TSDS TX Unique ID application; it cannot be generated by a Local Education Agency (LEA).

Crisis Code

Code table: C178

Complete the five Crisis Code fields as needed.

The code indicates a state health or weather-related crisis event affecting a group of students which may require additional funding, educational, or social services. The event may or may not cause the student to leave the district or campus of residence. A crisis event is designated by the Commissioner of Education.

In ASCENDER, a generic program code should be created for a crisis, and the student is enrolled in the program on the Generic tab.

The following codes can be entered: Blank, 00, 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 8A, 8B, 8C, 9A, 9B, 9C.

For the 2020-2021 school year, if the As of Status Cd field is not set to A and crisis code data is reported, then the valid crisis code values must be 00, 8A, 8B, 8C, 9A, 9B, or 9C.

Date of Birth


Type the person's date of birth in the MMDDYYYY format.


SEX-CODE (E0004)
Code table: C013

Select the person's gender.


Code table: C050

Select the student's current grade level.


Code table: C088

Select if the person is of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

Student Census Block

The field indicates the census block in which the student resides. The field is automatically populated when data exists in the database (i.e., when State Reporting > Utilities > TEA Census Block is run) or the field may be edited with a 12-digit numeric value if the student qualifies.


Code table: C088

Select one or more races, regardless of whether the person is Hispanic/Latino:

American Indian


Has origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America).



Has origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent (including Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam).



Has origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

Pacific Islander


Has origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.



Has origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

❏ Under Status Indicators:

Attribution Code

Code table: C161

Select the code to indicating the way in which the student attends school.

Rule 40110-0110: If the student's attribution code is 00, 12, 22, 24, 26, or 28 (i.e., student resides within the boundaries of the school district), the Campus of Residence must be blank.

Rule 40110-0111: If the student's attribution code is 03, 06, 07, or 10 (i.e., student resides outside the school district), the Campus of Residence is required, and the first six characters of the campus ID of residence must not match the district ID (i.e., the campus ID of residence must not be in the reporting district).

Campus of Enrollment


Type or select the ID for the campus at which a student is enrolled.

For the fall submission (S1), the field should be blank unless you are reporting students with as-of-status code C, E, or G.

For the summer submission (S3), the campus of enrollment should always be blank.

For the extended submission (S4), the campus of enrollment is required and allowed only for students participating in the bilingual/ESL summer school program.

Campus of Accountability


Select the campus number that is reported in the fall submission (S1) and summer submission (S3).

When reported in the fall submission, this field is used to determine assessment data attribution for campus accountability for a student enrolled at a DAEP or JJAEP campus on the fall snapshot.

When reported in the summer submission, this field is used to determine attendance and/or leaver data attribution for campus accountability.

The Campus of Accountability field is used for students who were enrolled only at a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) and/or a Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP). The Campus of Accountability cannot be a DAEP and/or a JJAEP.

Unaccompanied Youth Status

Code table: C192

Select the student's unaccompanied youth status code.

Rule 40100-0095: This field cannot be blank or 0 if the Homeless Status field is set to a value other than 0.

Campus of Residence


Type the campus ID number for the campus attendance area in which the student currently resides.

IEP Continuer

Code table: C088

Select the code indicating if the student is at least 18 years old as of September 1 and has satisfied the credit requirements for high school graduation, but has not completed his individualized education program (IEP), and is enrolled and receiving IEP services.

Rule 40100-0164: If IEP Continuer is selected, the student's LEAVER-REASON-CODE cannot be 01 (graduated).


Code table: C088

Select if the student or the student's parent, spouse, or guardian is a migratory agricultural worker, including dairy worker or fisher, and in the preceding 36 months, in order to accompany the parent, spouse, or guardian to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work:

Has moved from one school district to another, or

Resides in a school district of more than 15,000 square miles and migrates a distance of 20 miles or more to a temporary residence to engage in a fishing activity.

Early Reading

Code table: C195

Select the student's early reading indicator code, which allows you to indicate whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as specified by the administered reading instrument.

ADA Eligibility

Code table: C059

Select the student's eligibility status as reflected in the attendance accounting records of the district.

Rule 40110-0004: If the student's ADA eligibility code is 3 or 6 (i.e., a transfer student), the Campus of Residence field is required, and the first six characters cannot match the district ID (i.e., the campus must not be in the reporting district).

Special Rule 40110-0126: If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “PK”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “4” or “5”.

Economic Disadvantage

Code table: C054

Select the code indicating the student's economic disadvantage status.


Code table: C183

Select the code indicating whether the student's initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grade levels 7-12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee per TEC Section 39.027(a-1).

Military Connected

Code table: C197

Select the code indicating if the student is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military.

Rule 40100-0122: If the field is set to 4, then the Grade field must be set to PK.

Rule 40100-0123: This field only applies to students in grade levels PK-12; it does not apply to EE students. EE students should have the field set to 0.

Rule 40100-0124: This field must be set to 0 for any student whose As-of Status field set to A (i.e., enrolled prior year, not enrolled in the current school).

Foster Care

Code table: C196

Select the code indicating if the student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or was previously in the conservatorship of DFPS. 

Homeless Status

Code table: C189

Select the student's homeless status code.

Rule 40100-0146: If this field is not 0, and the As-of Status field is B, D, F, or X, the At Risk indicator field on the Enrollment tab must be selected.

Rule 40100-0095 I: If this field is set to a value other than 0, the Unaccompanied Youth Status field cannot be blank or 0.

Parent Request Retention

TWEDS Data Element PARENT-REQUEST-RETENTION-INDICATOR (E1729) (Code Table C088) indicates an enrolled student was retained at the request of the parent or guardian.

For the 2021-2022 school year, report any student in grades PK-12 retained at the request of the parent or guardian.

For the 2022-2023 school year and beyond, report any student in grades PK-3 retained at the request of the parent or guardian.

❏ Under Miscellaneous:

As-of Status

Code table: C163

Select the student’s enrollment status. It is required for the fall submission (S1) and summer submission (S3); it should be left blank for the extended submission (S4).

Rule 40100-0119: A student enrolled on the PEIMS fall snapshot date who is reported as in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (i.e., the Foster Care Cd field is set to 1), must have the At Risk field selected on the Enrollment tab.

Rule 40100-0140: If this field is set to anything except A, then the Foster Care Cd and Military Connected Cd fields must be reported.

Rule 40100-0146: If this field is B, D, F, or X, and the Homeless Status field is not 0, the At Risk indicator field must be selected on the Enrollment tab.


Code table: C088

Select if the student is participating in the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (T-STEM) Initiative program.

Rule 40100-0148: The field can only be selected for students in grade levels 6-12.


Code table: C088

Select if the student is participating in the Early College High School (ECHS) program.

Rule 40100-0149: The field can only be selected for students in grade levels 9-12.

Associate Degree

Code table: C088

Select if the student received acknowledgment for earning an associate degree while in high school.

Rule 40100-0158: This field can only be selected for students in grade level 11 or 12.

Star of Texas Award

Code table: C088

Select if the student is eligible for the Star of Texas award, which provides free prekindergarten programs in public schools for the children (at least three years old) of certain first responders (HB 357 Section 29.153).

This field applies only to PK students. The field will be blank for all other students (Rule 40100-0166).

Rule 40100-0109: If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is PK and student is ADA eligible (ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is 1, 2, 3, or 6), then either EMERGENT-BILINGUAL-INDICATOR-CODE must be 1, ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE must be 01, 02, or 99, MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be 4, FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE must be 1 or 2, HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must be a value other than 0, or STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE must be selected.


Code table: C088

Select if the student is in grade level 9-12 and participating in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School program.

Rule 40100-0124: P-TECH cannot be selected if As of Status is A (enrolled in prior year, not current) and Homeless Status is 0 (not homeless).

Rule 40100-0168: If P-TECH is selected, the student's grade level must be 9-12.

P-TECH only applies if the student's Campus of Enrollment offers a P-TECH program.

For Submission 1, this indicator should be reported for students enrolled on the PEIMS Fall snapshot date.

For Submission 3, this indicator should be reported for students enrolled at any point in the year.

For Submission 4, this indicator should be reported if the student is reported for a summer program.

New Tech

Code table: C088

Select if the student is in grade level 7-12 and enrolled in a New Tech Network campus as identified by the New Tech Network.

Rule 40100-0194: If New Tech indicator code is 1, the student's grade level must be 07-12.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Add Add a student.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Delete Delete all of the student's records.
Change ID Change the student's ID.
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obsolete/maintenance/fall/student/demo.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/26 13:09 by apape