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ASCENDER - Bid Process Checklist

This guide provides you with information about using the Bid Process feature in Purchasing. The Bid Process allows you to create and forward bid requests to vendors allowing them an opportunity to bid on specific items. This feature manages a bid request from beginning to end. You can create/modify bids, request vendor quotes, manage vendor responses, and award bids to vendors.

This guide assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

1.Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Requisition

User submits a requisition.
2.Purchasing > Maintenance > Bid Processing > Create/Modify Bid

Final approver creates a bid request.
3.Purchasing > Maintenance > Bid Processing > Request Vendor Quote

Select the applicable vendors to submit a bid request as a Request for Quotation (RFQ).
4.Purchasing > Reports > Bid Processing Reports > REQ2000 - Request for Quotation Report

The RFQ is now ready to be sent to the selected vendors. Run the non-preprinted report to email vendors the bid request. You must print or email the RFQ using this report before you can retrieve the bid or enter a vendor response on the Vendor Response page.
5.Purchasing > Maintenance > Bid Processing > Vendor Response

Enter vendor responses and select the Bid checkbox.
6.Purchasing > Maintenance > Bid Processing > Award Bid

Award bid to a vendor and create the PO.
7.Purchasing > Inquiry > Requisition Status Inquiry

The PO number is displayed in the middle section of the page rather than at the top section since it is possible to award multiple vendors if the requisition has multiple items.
8.Purchasing > Reports > Purchase Order Reports > Print Purchase Orders

Print the PO using the usual process.
academy/business_bidprocess_quickchecklist.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/04 19:24 by emoreno