ASCENDER - Credit Card Process

Created: 04/28/2023
Reviewed: 05/05/2023
Revised: 05/05/2023

The purpose of this document is to guide you through the necessary credit card processing steps, which include processing credit card payments to vendors, reconciling credit card statements, and then processing payments to the credit card company.

This document assumes that you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business System and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.


❏ Update roles/users in Security Administration to allow credit card feature permissions. You can add permissions to an existing role or create a new role.

Credit Card Process

Credit card information cannot be edited once charges are posted to a card.

  1. Set up credit card codes.
  2. (Optional) Assign credit card codes to users.
  3. Create credit card transactions.
  4. Post returns.
  5. Post interest and miscellaneous charges.
  6. Reconcile the credit card statement.
  7. Process payment to the credit card company.
  8. Review the vendor payment inquiry.