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Fund - BUD2100

Budget > Tables > Account Codes > Fund

This tab is used to establish the fund code and fiscal year used to track all funds and transactions associated with an account number. You can delete a fund code only if there are no accounts in the chart of accounts that uses the fund/fiscal year code.

Set up a fund code:

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description
Fund/Fiscal YearType the fund code and the fiscal year. The fund code can be any digit between 101-999, and the fiscal year code is a one-digit code that is the last digit in the fiscal (school) year.
Fund TypeSelect the fund type. If the fund does not have a fund type selection, the fund is not displayed on the FIN3200 - Working Trial Balance or FIN3220 - Working Trial Balance Using Transactions reports in Finance.
Since rows of the table are moved to Finance during the Move Budget to Finance process, and a fund type must be in place for Budget reports BUD1250, BUD1300, and BUD1350 to be correctly displayed, be sure that this field is accurately populated.
Fund Description Type the fund description. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
Budget Fund Balance Obj.Sobj.If adding a new budget fund code and the object and subobject codes are left blank, the field defaults to 3700.00. The subobject defaults to 00 if the object is populated but the subobject is left blank.
Actual Fund balance Obj.SobjIf adding a new budget fund code and the object and subobject codes are left blank, the field defaults to 3600.00. The subobject defaults to 00 if the object is populated but the subobject is left blank.
Interfund Due From Obj.Sobj.Fund/Fiscal YearThis field is populated based on the Fund/Fiscal Year field.
If the Fund is: The Interfund Due from Obj.Sobj field is set to:
100-1991261.00 (General Fund)
200-4991262.00 (Special Revenue Fund)
500-5991263.00 (Debt Service Fund)
600-6991264.00 (Capital Projects Fund)
701-7491265.00 (Enterprise Fund)
750-7991266.00 (Internal Service Fund)
800-8991267.00 (Trust and Agency Funds)
900-9991260.00 (General Capital Assets and Long-Term Debt)

By default, the Interfund Due To Obj.Sobj field is set to 2171.00. If the fund is 8XX, the Interfund Due To Obj.Sobj field is set to 2177.00 for the subobject type 00-98.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

PrintClick to print the report. The following Account Code Table options are displayed:
Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

If accounts exist in Budget Data that use the fund/fiscal year code, a message is displayed and the fund is not deleted.

budget/tables/accountcodes/fund.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/02 19:16 by emoreno