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Employee Distribution List Inquiry - FIN5000

Finance > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry > Employee Distribution List Inquiry

This tab displays a list of employees whose account in master distribution matches the account(s) selected. The amount that displays for each employee reflects the annual amount assigned to that specific account code with the exception of the business allowance. The business allowance accounts (account types B and T) reflect the amount paid each time payroll is processed and are not reflective of an annual amount. This is because the master distribution only reflects the amount paid each pay period. Under each account number displayed, the employee names are sorted alphabetically. A summary total for each object code is displayed at the end of each fund/year combination. On this tab, you may:

  • Review the balances on individual accounts.
  • View a detailed listing of the account or just the balances in a summary view of the account.
  • View records by page or by printing.

Perform an employee distribution list inquiry:

❏ Select from one of the following employee types to include in the inquiry:

Field Description
ActiveSelect to include only those employees where the Pay Status field is set to Active on the Pay Info tab.
InactiveSelect to include only those employees where the Pay Status field is set to Inactive on the Pay Info tab.
BothSelect to include all employees, regardless of the selection in the Pay Status field on the Pay Info tab.
Display DetailsSelect to display account code details. If not selected, the inquiry displays the account code summary.
Include Supplemental PaySelect to include all extra-duty supplemental pay records on the report. By default, the field is not selected.
Account Code

Type an account code in each of the account code field components.

Click Ellipsis Icon to select which account codes you want included in the mask. The account code components are displayed as a mask with all Xs. Fill in the digits that are used during the selection process, and only those account codes that match the ones specified are retrieved.

For example, if you want a summary of all payroll accounts for campus 001, the account mask would look like the following: XXX-XX-61XX-XX-001-XXXXXX

❏ Click Retrieve to process the inquiry based on the values selected. The page displays the general ledger account summary report. Fund totals by class are reported at the end of each fund.

Review the report.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to clear the account code and return to the default setting (all Xs).
finance/inquiry/generalledgerinquiry/employeedistributionlistinquiry.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/20 23:11 by emoreno