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Generate, print, and review Outstanding Purchase Orders Report

Log on to file ID C.

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Vendor/Purchase Order Reports > FIN2150 - Outstanding Purchase Orders

Generate the Outstanding Purchase Orders report for audit purposes. Print and/or save this report and review it for accuracy. Identify which purchase orders can be reversed in the next step.

Consider how the purchase orders will be handled for continuing and incremented funds during the Fiscal Year Close process. Only purchase orders that include continuing funds are re-encumbered. Purchase orders that are split-funded and include funds where the fiscal year is only being incremented will be deleted. For example, if a purchase order is split between 211 (continuing fiscal year) and 199 (incremented fiscal year), then you will have to re-enter the purchase order in the new file ID.

FIN2150 Report Parameters

Outstanding PO Listing

general/financeeoyprocess/printandreviewfin2150.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/08 18:47 by emoreno