(If necessary) Review and edit service records

Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Service Record

All employee service record data is now available and can be reviewed and edited for accuracy.

Identify special cases that may have occurred during the year such as employees who changed jobs, had fewer days, separated from the LEA mid-year, or had second jobs (e.g., bus drivers with another primary job).

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to view additional details for a selected row (School Year). The details for the selected row are displayed below the grid.

❏ Make the necessary changes and click Save.

Example 1: This employee drove a bus occasionally as a second position to her primary job as a Secondary Teacher. Her original teacher service record row reflects 187 days. An LEA could select to delete the bus driver row leaving only the teacher row on the service record. This can be done during the Service Record Extract process or at a later time on the Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Service Record tab.

Service Record Example 1 Bus Driver

Example 2: This employee was a Secondary Teacher for 91 days and a principal for 117 days (from 01-03-2022 until the end of the year).

Service Record Example 2 Principal