Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Service Record
This tab contains service information for the employee. The data includes specific positions held, years of experience, service dates, as well as state and personal leave information. An employee may have multiple service records.
Retrieve an existing record |
Begin typing the employee name or number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select an employee and click Retrieve. Or, click Directory to perform a search in the Employees Directory. Note: The employee autosuggest field includes employees whose records were created in Personnel but do not have a Pay Info or Job Info record. If the employee number does not exist in the system, a message is displayed prompting you to create a new employee. Click Yes. |
❏ Click +Add to add a row to the top grid. The fields in the lower free-form area are cleared allowing you to enter new data.
Field | Description |
School Year | Type the year for which the service record is to be created in the YYYY format. More than one record may be created for a year. |
Position Held Description | Type a description of the position held. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters. |
School Grades Taught | Type the grades taught. The field can be a maximum of seven characters. |
Years Experience |
Type the maximum years of experience for the employee. The field can be a maximum of two digits. When using the Extract Teacher Service Record utility, the Years Experience field is based on the TRS position code and is populated on the service record based on the Years in District field on the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data Employment Info tab. According to TEA guidelines, the only information required for paraprofessionals is the school year, service begin and end dates, and state leave. All other information, including years of experience, is not required for paraprofessionals as they are not on a state-mandated salary schedule. |
Full Semester | Select to indicate that the employee worked a full semester that was less than 90 days. |
% Day Employed | Type the percentage of each normal workday accounted for by the job for which data is being entered. |
# of Days Employed | Type the number of days to be covered by this employee's contract. You may type two digits to the right of the decimal point. |
Service Begin Date | Type the beginning date of the contract in the MMDDYYYY format. |
Service End Date | Type the ending date of the contract for the employee in the MMDDYYYY format. |
District Type | Select the school district type.The field automatically defaults to the District Type selected on the District Administration > Tables > District Information > District Name/Address tab. If Private is selected in District Administration, the field defaults to Private. If Independent or Charter are selected, the field defaults to Public. |
Under State Sick Leave:
State Sick Leave - PY Balance | Type the number of days of prior year state sick leave for the employee. |
State Sick Leave Earned | Type the number of days of earned state sick leave for the employee. |
State Sick Leave Used | Type the number of days of used state sick leave for the employee. |
State Sick Leave - EOY Balance | Type the number of days of end-of-year state sick leave for the employee. Prior year balance leave plus earned leave minus used leave must equal end-of-year leave. |
Under State Personal Leave:
State Personal Leave - PY Balance | Type the number of days of prior year state personal leave for the employee. |
State Personal Leave Earned | Type the number of days of earned state personal leave for the employee. |
State Personal Leave Used | Type the number of days of used state personal leave for the employee. |
State Personal Leave - EOY Balance | Type the number of days of end-of-year state personal leave for the employee. Prior year balance leave plus earned leave minus used leave must equal end-of-year leave. |
❏ Click Save.
Retrieve |
The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost. |
Click to print data. Review the report. | |
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Click to view additional details for a selected row. |
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Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.
Documents | View or attach supporting documentation. |
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