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❏ Under Next Year Frequency, select from the following payroll frequencies:

  • D - Biweekly
  • E - Semimonthly
  • F - Monthly


  • If the user is not authorized to access a payroll frequency, it is disabled.
  • Multiple payroll frequencies can be run at the same time.
Field Description
Calculation Date

This field is populated with the current system date, but it can be changed. This date is used as the pay date for the YTD payroll records. This date is also used to create the Finance general journal number and the month reported in the general journal description.

The pay date used must be within the current calendar year. If different pay dates are used with different groups of employees, then each pay date is displayed on the Create General Journal tab. If different pay dates are used and all the same employees are included in the last pay date (all employees that were in the previous pay dates are included in this pay date), only the most recent pay date is displayed. If multiple dates are displayed and you no longer want them, select the Clear EOY Accrual Data Only field on the Next Year > Clear Next Year Tables tab. All calculations are deleted, and the accrual table information is retained.

The applicable employees are displayed after one of the following option(s) is selected.

Exclude Non-Standard Employees

Select to exclude all nonstandard employees who have received the first payment of their new contract. Nonstandard employees are those employees with 11-, 12- (July/August starts), and 13-month contracts with the TRS Year field selected on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay > Job Info tab.

If not selected, all nonstandard employees who meet the specified criteria (e.g., contract begin date) are included in the accrual calculation.

An LEA must determine if the nonstandard employee has received the first payment of their new contract in order to properly include/exclude the employee from the accrual calculations.

This field is disabled when employees are selected and moved to the grid on the right.

Exclude Substitutes

Select to exclude all substitutes (pay type 4).

Clear this field to include all substitutes in the accrual calculation.

This field is disabled when employees are selected and moved to the grid on the right.

CalendarSelect an item and click Retrieve to limit the list of employees displayed on the left side. Calendar information is based on the calendars defined in next year pay frequencies. This field is disabled when employees are selected and moved to the grid on the right. Employees reported with a calendar selection are based on the primary job calendar selection.

All applicable employees are displayed on the left side of the page. Use the following buttons to move employees from the left side to the right side of the page.

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

Note: Inactive employees are displayed; however, employees with a termination date on the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay > Employment Info tab are not displayed.

The Run button is enabled when employees are moved from the left side to the right side of the page.

❏ Click Run. The accrual calculations are run.

If calculation errors occur, an EOY Accruals Calculations Errors report is displayed. For accurate calculation of EOY Accruals, errors should be corrected before continuing. When all corrections have been made to the employee records, run the accrual calculations again to ensure that errors were corrected and to have the accruals correctly calculated.

general/humanresources/payrollprocessing/eoypayrollaccruals/runcalculations_body.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/19 23:08 by emoreno