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Calculating Days Earned With Absence Refund

When an employee has an absence refund, the days earned reported for the payroll are adjusted based on the refund amount and the employee's daily rate.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.

Single Accruing Job

1. Determine how many days are to be accrued for the pay period. This is on the Accrual Calendar table.

Example: 20 days

2. Because the employee is being refunded $150.00, the number of days worked must be adjusted.

Amount Refunded/Daily Rate = Days Refunded

Example: 0.00 or $150.00/$205.83 = 0.7288 Days Refunded

3. The adjusted accrued days and adjusted pay must be calculated.

Days from Accrual Table - Days Docked + Days Refunded = Adj Accrued Days

Example: 20 - 0 + 0.7288 = 20.73 Adj Accrued Days

Multiple Accruing Jobs

The following steps must be performed for each accruing job:

1. Determine how many days are to be accrued for the pay period. This is on the Accrual Calendar table.

Example: 20 days

2. Because the employee is being refunded $150.00, the number of days worked must be adjusted.

Amount Refunded/Daily Rate = Days Refunded

Example: 0.00 or $150.00/$205.83 = 0.7288 Days Refunded

3. The adjusted accrued days and adjusted pay must be calculated.

Days from Accrual Table - Days Docked + Days Refunded = Adj Accrued Days

Example: 20 - 0 + 0.7288 = 20.73 Adj Accrued Days

general/otherhelpfuldocuments/calculatingdaysearnedwithabsencerefund.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/20 16:49 by emoreno