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Calculating Employer Insurance or Annuity Contributions

When calculating employer insurance or employer annuity contributions, there are different requirements for single job accruals and multiple job accruals.

To calculate contributions for a single job:

1. Determine number of accrual periods

  • If the Pay Frequency = 6, then the Accrual Period = the Number of Months in Contract
  • If the Pay Frequency = 5, then the Accrual Period = the Number of Months in Contract x 2
  • If the Pay Frequency = 4, then the Accrual Period = (26 x Number of Months in Contract/12), rounded
  • For all Pay Frequencies, if Accrual Periods > Number of Annual Payments, then Accrual Periods = Number of Annual Payments

2. If Accrual Periods < Number Annual Payments - Number Remaining Payments, perform accrual payback


  • Earned Amount = (Employer Ins Contribution x Number Annual Payments)/Accrued Periods
  • Accrued Amount = Earn Amount - Employer Ins Contribution
  • YTD Accrue Amount = Accrued Amount x (Number Annual Payments - Number Remaining Payments)

    Note: For nonstandard employees, the system checks contract dates to help establish the beginning school YTD (e.g., if the contract begin date is 7/1/2021, then the system knows the monies belong to school YTD for 2022).
  • Pay History Accrued Employer Ins Contribution = YTD Accrue Amount - School YTD Job Accrue Employer Ins Contribution

To calculate contributions for multiple jobs:

The following steps must be performed for each accruing job:

1. Determine the percentage of total accrued pay that is applied to each job:

Accrual Adjusted Percent = Job Standard Pay/Total Standard Pay of Jobs with Employer Contribution Selection

2. Determine number of accrual periods.

  • If multiple jobs are accruing, use the number of annual payments of the job with the highest percent assigned.
  • If the Pay Frequency = 6, the Accrual Period = the Number of Months in Contract
  • If the Pay Frequency = 5, the Accrual Period = the Number of Months in Contract x 2
  • If the Pay Frequency = 4, the Accrual Period = (26 x Number of Months in Contract/12), rounded
  • For all Pay Frequencies, if Accrual Periods > Number of Annual Payments, Accrual Periods = Number of Annual Payments

3. If the Accrual Periods < Number Annual Payments - Number Remaining Payments, perform accrual payback.


  • Earned Amount = ((Employer Ins Contribution x Accrual Adjusted Percent) x Number Annual Payments)/Accrued Periods
  • Accrued Amount = Earn Amount - (Employer Ins Contribution x Accrual Adjusted Percent)
  • YTD Accrue Amount = Accrued Amount x (Number Annual Payments - Number Remaining Payments)

    Note: For nonstandard employees, the system looks at contract dates to help establish the beginning school YTD (e.g., if the contract begin date is 7/1/2021, the system knows the monies belong to school YTD for 2022).

    Pay History Accrued Employer Ins Contribution = YTD Accrue Amount - (School YTD Job Accrue Employer Ins Contribution x Accrual Adjusted Percent)
general/otherhelpfuldocuments/calculatingemployerinsuranceorannuitycontributions.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/20 16:50 by emoreno