Forecast Simulation Errors - The error report provides a list of encountered errors.

Forecast Simulation Errors Report

Forecast Simulation Calculations Position/Distribution - This report is similar to the Next Year Payroll Employee Distribution report that is generated on the Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget page, HRS9960 - NY Payroll Extract Distribution by Name. The report provides the position, billet, and employee name.

Forecast Simulation Calculations Position Distribution Report

Current/Forecast Simulation Comparison Report - This report is similar to the HRS6650 - CYR/NYR Salary Comparison Report in the next year payroll files. The report compares the current year PMIS salary to the calculated salary in the simulation for the next year PMIS. The only difference between this report and the HRS6650 report is that the HRS6650 report compares the employee's current year payroll salary to the employee's next year payroll salary.

Current Forecast Simulation Comparison Report

Employee Base Pay Information Report - This report is unique to PMIS for budgeting purposes. The report provides the base salary (no benefits) by pay grade. LEAs can review this information to determine the cost of a base salary amount for a particular pay grade for the listed employees. The forecast amount is the amount reflected on the position in the next year PMIS, the simulation amount reflects the salary amount with the applied increase.

Employee Base Pay Information Report

Forecasting Report - This report is unique to PMIS for budgeting purposes. The report provides the base salary without benefits.

Forecasting Report

Forecast Account Distribution Journal by Salary Account - This report is unique to PMIS for budgeting purposes. The report includes salary and benefits based on the simulation increases. LEAs can view salary amounts by fund and function.

Forecast Account Distribution Journal by Salary Account Report

Forecast Account Distribution Journal of All Expenditures - This report is similar to the Next Year Payroll Account Distribution report that is generated on the Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget page, HRS9970 - NY Payroll Extract Distribution by Acct. The report provides the account code with a list of employees with the distribution code, salary, and benefits.

Forecast Account Distribution Journal of All Expenditures Report

Budget Expenditure Report for Position Management - This report is similar to the Next Year Payroll Account Distribution report that is generated on the Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget page, HRS9970 - NY Payroll Extract Distribution by Acct. The report provides the position names with the distribution code instead of providing the employee names with the distribution code, salary, and benefits.

Budget Expenditure Report for Position Management Report

Forecast Positions with Budget Accounts, Amounts and Units - This report is unique to PMIS for budgeting purposes. The report provides a snapshot of the employee and a list of distributions indicating the LEA's cost of a position.

Forecast Positions with Budget Accounts, Amounts and Units Report

Forecast Simulation Update to Budget - This report is displayed when the Update Budget field is set to I - Increase or add to the amounts in Budget under Update Options on the Position Management > Utilities > Salary Simulation > Simulation Options tab.

Forecast Simulation Update To Budget Report