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Simulation Options - HRS6250

Position Management > Utilities > Salary Simulation > Simulation Options

The Salary Simulation menu is only available when logged on to a next year pay frequency.

Create an export using Utilities > Export PMIS Tables prior to using this tab.

This tab is used to create a forecast position salary simulation and to select the parameters associated with the simulation.

The simulation will process for positions where the school year matches the Next Year field on the District Administration > Options > Position Management tab and where the accept changes flag is selected for forecast records.

Each simulation will have a unique, user-assigned name and may have various salary types included in the simulation.

When the salary calculations are performed, the program will use the original salary amount from the next year salary table, and then apply the percent or amount change as defined in the associated simulation table for that salary to determine the new salary amount for that pay grade and pay step.

Steps that have a zero percent or amount increase are included in the salary calculations at the rate from the original next year salary table amounts.

Salary Simulations provide budget reports without the need to overlay any employee or position data in the NYR payroll. Reports are available after the simulation calculations have been processed.

If the Recalculate field is selected for a supplement position on the Maintenance > PMIS Supplement Modify or PMIS Supplement Admin pages, and the position is not based on a regular position, the salary table amount for the extra duty is applied to the position record. If the Recalculate field is not selected, the salary amount in the supplement position is not changed.

403B FICA Alternative contribution calculations - PMIS simulation calculations now include 403B FICA Alternative contribution calculations when the A3 deduction type is included on the Deductions tab for the selected simulation. And, the deduction code for the A3 deduction type exists for an employee included in the simulation. The reports will list the account codes and amounts in the annuities column.

Create a simulation:

Simulation NameType the name of a simulation or click Ellipsis Icon to select the simulation name from a list.
Simulation DescriptionType a description of the current simulation or click Ellipsis Icon to select the simulation description from a list. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.

❏ Click Retrieve. The simulation is retrieved.

Simulation NameIf retrieving an existing simulation, the simulation name is displayed. If adding a new simulation, type the simulation name.
Simulation DescriptionThe description of the current simulation is displayed. If adding a new simulation, type the new simulation description.
User IDThis field is populated per user per simulation.

❏ Click Add Simulation to create a new simulation.

❏ Under Calculation Options:

Include Proposed PositionsClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No to budget for the proposed positions to determine if they are affordable. This is a required field.
Include Vacant Supplement PositionsClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No to budget for the vacant supplement positions to determine if they are affordable. This is a required field.

Note: Forecast always budgets for a vacant regular position.
Increment Pay StepsClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No to increment the pay steps in the simulation. This is a required field.

Note:  If salaries will be frozen, the salary increase should be set to 0%, and the step salary schedule should be changed by moving the amounts from one step to another.
Maximum Annual Pay StepType the two-character code for the highest pay step in your local annual salary schedule. The field is used to identify the correct salary amount on the salary table.
Maximum Hourly/Daily Pay StepType the two-character code for the highest pay step in your hourly/daily salary schedule. The field is used to identify the correct salary amount on the salary table.
Increment State StepsClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No  to increment the state steps in the simulation. The state steps automatically max out at 20. This is a required field.
Include TRS On-Behalf CalculationsClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No  to include the TRS on-behalf calculations in the simulation. This is a required field.
Expenditure Account for TRS On-Behalf CalculationsType an account code to be used as an expenditure account for the TRS on behalf calculations. The object code is always 6144 and must be distributed by function so the function must be XX. The LEA can determine other account code components.
For Midpoint Salaries - Basis of Salary Change

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following options:

C - Use position hrly/dly rate - Select to calculate the percentage increase for midpoints on the actual existing rate. This option is used by LEAs that are using a midpoint schedule in place of putting employees on a salary schedule.

T - Use Simulation Mid Inc/Dec Amt - Select to base the percentage on the midpoint. This option is used by LEAs that follow a midpoint schedule. Select to calculate the percentage increase for midpoints on the actual existing rate. This option is used by LEAs that are using a midpoint schedule in place of putting employees on a salary schedule.

This is a required field.

For Midpoint Salaries - Increase Pay Rate to Minimum

Click Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No to increase or not increase the pay rate to minimum for midpoint salaries. This is a required field.

If Yes is selected, the pay rate is increased to the minimum amount if it is below the minimum amount, and then the pay rate raise is applied per the simulation. This ensures that employees are not paid less than the minimum.

If No is selected, the pay rate raise is applied per the simulation, and then the pay rate is raised to the minimum amount if it is still below the minimum amount.


Include TEA Health InsuranceClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No to include or not include TEA health insurance in the simulation. This is a required field.

❏ Under Update Options:

Update for Active Positions Only

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following options:

A - Calculate Budget Based on Vacancy Data
B - Move Actual Amount to Budget Amount
C - Move Actual Amount to Budget if Actual > Budget

This is a required field.

Update ForecastClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No to update or not update the forecast in the simulation.

Only select Yes when you are ready to secure all of the positions and apply the increase and updates to next year positions. This option moves the simulations into the next year positions, and if selected, the pay and state step increase is updated.

This is a required field.
Update Budget

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following options:

N - Do not update Budget
I - Increase or add to the amounts in Budget
R - Replace the amounts in Budget (This is how next year payroll to next year budget works.)

This is a required field.

Update Budget Amount

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following options:

R - Recommended Amount
A - Approved Amount

This is a required field.

❏ Click Execute to begin the simulation process.

❏ Under Calculation Reports:

  • Select the report(s) from the list. Click Select All or Unselect All to select all of the reports or unselect all reports.
  • Click Generate Reports. The reports are displayed in the order selected.

❏ Click Process to save the data to budget and/or PMIS records based on the Update Options selected. You are prompted to create a backup.

Review the report.

❏ Click Continue to continue to the next report.

❏ Click Return to return to the Calculation Reports page and skip the display of the remaining reports selected.

Duplicate a simulation:

The Duplicate From Simulation field and Duplicate button are only visible when you click Add Simulation.

Duplicate From SimulationType the name of a simulation, or click Drop-down Arrow to select a simulation name from a list.

❏ Click Duplicate to duplicate the simulation.

Delete a simulation:

❏ Click Delete to delete the displayed simulation.

positionmanagement/utilities/salarysimulation/simulationoptions.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/15 14:41 by emoreno