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Perform a requisition inquiry

Purchasing > Inquiry > Requisition Status Inquiry

Use this page to view the status of each item included on a specific requisition or purchase order without a contract. The Requisition Status Inquiry page can be accessed from two menus:

  • For the current year, click Requisition Status Inquiry from the Inquiry menu.
  • For next year, click Requisition Status Inquiry from the Next Year menu.

The page consists of the following three grids:

  • The top grid displays requisitions or purchase orders.
  • The middle grid displays items included in the requisition.
  • The bottom grid displays a list of the approvers in the sequence of their approval.

Note: If Global Access is selected, the user can perform inquiries on the status of all requisition accounts.

Retrieve a record.

The From and To Date fields default to your current fiscal year.

TIP: Use the following fields to narrow your inquiry search. For example, you can perform a search on a specific requisition Status to only display a list of requisitions with the selected status. By narrowing your search parameters, you can avoid retrieving large amounts of data in a single instance.

Req NbrType the requisition number to be retrieved.
PO NbrType the purchase order number to be retrieved. Leading zeros are not required. However, if the purchase order number is alphanumeric, the field is not zero-filled.
Contr TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a contract type.
From DateType the beginning search date in the MMDDYYYY format.
To DateType the ending search date in the MMDDYYYY format.

Note: The Date Requested is the date considered when using the From Date and To Date parameters.

StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a status to be included in the search.
Vendor NumberType the vendor number.
Vendor NameType the vendor name.
Requestor NameType the requestor name.
Bid CategoryType the bid category code.

Click Retrieve. Requisitions and purchase orders that you have submitted but that have not been received are displayed in the three grids.

In the top grid, click Spyglass Icon to inquire about the selected requisition. The requisition information from the Create/Modify Requisition page is displayed.

Field Description
StatusThe current status of the requisition is displayed.

If the status is Pending to be approved, the requisition is not yet a purchase order.

If the status is Approved, the PO Nbr field is populated with the assigned purchase order number.
general/requisition_inquiry.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 12:58 by emoreno