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Employees are categorized on the report by the FSP code associated with their job code on the Job Codes table.

FSP codes:

A - Administrator
C - Counselor
L - Librarian
N - Registered nurse
T - Class teacher

To categorize the employees, the program looks at the latest payroll date for the report month being queried and the job code that was associated with the last payroll date in that month. Only the primary job extracts. Extra duty jobs do not extract.


Full-Time Classroom Teachers - includes employees with F (Full time) in the FSP Staff Data Code field and 1, 4, or 5 (Eligible, Retirement Waived, Retired) in the TRS Status field. In addition, the FSP Salary Class Code field on the Job Code table is set to T (Class teacher).

Part-Time Classroom Teachers - includes employees with P (Part time) in the FSP Staff Data Code field and 1, 4, or 5 (Eligible, Retirement Waived, Retired) in the TRS Status field. In addition, the FSP Salary Class Code field on the Job Code table is set to T (Class teacher).

Full-Time Librarians, RNs, Counselors - includes employees with F (Full time) in the FSP Staff Data Code field and 1, 4, or 5 (Eligible, Retirement Waived, Retired) in the TRS Status field. In addition, the FSP Salary Class Code field on the Job Code table is set to C (Counselor), L (Librarian), or N (Registered nurse).

Full-Time Staff - includes employees with F (Full time) in the FSP Staff Data Code field and 1 (Eligible) in the TRS Status field. In addition, the FSP Salary Class Code field on the Job Code table is blank. A full-time employee is an active contributing member of the Teacher Retirement System and works 30 hours or more each week and cannot be defined as a full-time classroom teacher, a full-time librarian, a full-time registered nurse, a full-time counselor, or an administrator.

Part-Time Staff - includes employees with P (Part time) in the FSP Staff Data Code field and 1 (Eligible) in the TRS Status field. In addition, the FSP Salary Class Code field on the Job Code table is blank. A part-time employee is an active contributing member of the Teacher Retirement System and works less than 30 hours each week and cannot be defined as a part-time classroom teacher, a full-time librarian, a full-time registered nurse, a full-time counselor, or an administrator. For bus drivers to be eligible to participate in the Teacher Retirement System, the minimum hours is 15.

Administrators (ESCs only) - includes employees with F (Full time) in the FSP Staff Data Code field and 1 (Eligible) in the TRS Status field. In addition, the FSP Salary Class Code field on the Job Code table is set to A (Administrator).

general/staffsalarypositiondefinitions.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/02 20:43 by emoreno