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Payroll > Payroll Processing > TRS Processing > Purge

This tab is used to purge (delete) data from TRS reporting tables.

Purge data:

The TRS Month and TRS Year fields are disabled on this tab.

Purge Tab

Field Description
From Date (MM-YYYY)Type the beginning month and year in the MM-YYYY format of the TEAM tables to be purged.
To Date (MM-YYYY)Type the ending month and year in the MM-YYYY format of the TEAM tables to be purged.


  • If a date is not entered in both the From Date (MM-YYYY) and the To Date (MM-YYYY) fields, then all of the selected records are purged for all months that are currently in the system.
  • If a date is entered in the From Date (MM-YYYY) field but not in the To Date (MM-YYYY) field, then all of the selected records are purged from the entered month through the current month.
  • If a date is not entered in the From Date (MM-YYYY) field but is entered in the To Date (MM-YYYY) field, then all of the selected records are purged from the beginning month in the system through the entered date.
  • If a date is entered in both the From Date (MM-YYYY) and To Date (MM-YYYY) fields, then all of the selected records are purged for all the months within the date range.

The following list of TRS tables is displayed.

  • ED20 Demographic
  • ED25 Demographic Adj
  • ED40 Contract & Position
  • ED45 Contract & Position Adj
  • ED90 Termination
  • RP20 Regular Payroll
  • RP25 Regular Payroll Adj
  • ER20 Employment of Retirees
  • ER25 Add Adj
  • ER27 Edit Adj

❏ Select the tables that you want to purge. You can select individual tables (check boxes) or select the top check box to select all tables (check boxes).

❏ Click Execute. The Purge Data pop-up window opens with a list of the selected tables and the number of records to be purged.

Purge Data Popup Window

  • Click Yes to purge the selected data. A message is displayed indicating that the delete was successful.
  • Click No to cancel the purge process and return to the Purge tab.
general/trsprocessing/purge.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/13 19:07 by emoreno