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This page was removed as a result of the Bank Reconciliation application implementation.

(OBSOLETE) Auto Bank Reconciliation - FIN3500

Finance > Maintenance > Bank Reconciliation > Auto Bank Reconciliation

This tab is used to import information from a bank. The bank information is saved as pending.

Auto reconcile a bank statement:

The Bank Account Nbr field must be completed on the Bank Account Group tab for information to import from the bank text file.

Field Description
Include Previous File IDSelect to include all unique, unreconciled checks and deposits from the previous file ID. Any previous file ID check numbers or cash receipt numbers that exist in the current file ID are not included in the retrieval. However, when a listed check or deposit is reconciled, it also reconciles any similar or duplicate check or deposit from the previous file ID (even though it was not displayed). When selected, the system does not export the previous file ID. It is recommended that the users run the Export by File ID utility before the bank statement is reconciled.
Bank Account GroupType the bank account group number. If the bank account group number is not known, click Drop-down Arrow to search for bank groups. If left blank, the system processes all bank account groups.
Import Path

Click Browse. The File name pop-up window opens.

Select a file and click Open. The pop-up window closes and the file name is displayed in the Import Path field.

Click Cancel to close the pop-up window without selecting a file.

Click Execute to import the bank file and process the data. If any errors are encountered during the import process, the system displays the Bank Statement Import Error Report.

Review the report.

Click Continue to view the Bank Statement Import Report. The report displays a list of the checks to be saved as pending with totals.

Review the report.

If there are no errors, the Bank Statement Import Error Report is not displayed.

Note: The Continue button is not displayed on the Bank Statement Import Error Report page, if there is nothing to process.

Click Cancel to return to the Auto Bank Reconciliation tab.

If you click Process, a message is displayed indicating a system backup should be performed. A backup is highly recommended.

Click Yes to export a copy of the tables. Click No to not create the backup and continue. If you click Yes, the export Finance tables dialog box is displayed.

  • In the Function Type field, the Export option is preset and cannot be changed.
  • In the Export Path field, perform one of the following functions:
  • Type the drive and file name of where to export a copy of the tables.
    • Click Browse, and then select the folder into which to export a copy of the tables. Click OK to select the folder or Cancel to close the page without selecting a folder.
  • Click Execute to start the export function or Cancel to close the page without completing the task.
    • In the application dialog box, verify the path of the export, and click Yes to continue the export or No to return to the export dialog box.
    • In the archive password dialog box, type a password for the exported file, and then click OK.
    • A message is displayed indicating the export process was completed successfully. Click OK.
  • Click Cancel to terminate the process without saving the changes and to close the dialog box.
obsolete/finance/maintenance/bankreconciliation/autobankreconciliation.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/16 15:33 by emoreno