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Extract - HRS8350

Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Accrual Variance Extract > Extract

This utility is used to select an individual or group of employees and calculate the proposed accrual calculations for the remainder of the unprocessed pay dates from the pay dates table to show employees/accounts that may be over- or under-accrued. This extract can be run before any payrolls are processed for a new school year or during the school year. It is highly recommended that a limited number of employees be selected for calculation as it takes some time to process the information and provide a report. The purpose of this feature is to assist you in verifying your data and making corrections to the employee Staff Job/Pay Data or Accrual Calendar, as needed.

Caution: If no pay dates have been processed for the school year, only pay dates that are greater than or equal to the first pay date of the school year in HR Options are considered. If pay dates have been processed for the school year, only unprocessed pay dates that are greater than the last processed pay date are considered. For example, if there is an unprocessed pay date for May 25 and a processed pay date for May 26, the May 25 pay date is not considered for the variance calculations. Once an employee has reached the TRS IRS salary cap, the accrual variance process should not be calculated for an employee if the employee has a federal fund in his master distribution. The accrual variance process attempts to synchronize the grant and TRS employer care amounts based on the accrued pay and not based on the amounts that normally would be reported for the employee when his salary cap is reached.

Only employees that are active and currently have a job that accrues are displayed. If an employee has multiple jobs, only the jobs that are selected to accrue are calculated, and each job is listed separately. The Accrual Calendar table and the Pay Date table must be completed for all school year pay dates. When performing calculations, the system uses the accrual calendar, the Pay Date table, the pay distribution history, the master distribution records, and the Accrual Expense table.


  • The purpose of the extract is to provide an accurate view of the proposed accrual calculations at this moment in time. Therefore, all unprocessed absence deductions and coded absence deduction transmittals are used in calculating the future amounts for the accruals. Any amounts entered in the Days Earned column of the absence deduction transmittal overrides the days earned from the Accrual Calendar table for that pay date. Unprocessed leave transmittals that result in dock amounts for the employee are also considered.
  • When calculating the variance for a pay date that is the employee’s payoff date for the job, the program considers the days earned for the payoff date, if there are any. If the employee is in early payoff and not all accrual days have been earned, or if the accrual calendar has days earned for the payoff date, there most likely is a difference in the amount of accruals reported for the variance processing versus the amount of accruals reported for the payroll processing for the payoff date.

Example: An employee has a contract of $61,187.00 with 11 months in contract, 12 annual payments, and 220 days employed. The employee’s daily rate is $278.123. The first pay date for the contract was in August of the previous year with a payoff date of July 25. There are 6 days in the accrual calendar for the payoff pay date, thus indicating that the district is expecting to expense the 6 days during payoff. Currently, the employee has $1,761.46 in his school YTD for accrued pay with 153 days earned. His contract balance is $20,395.68 with a pay rate of $5,098.92 and 4 remaining payments. If the accrual variance is extracted for the employee, the variance indicates a $.02 variance. However, if the payrolls are calculated through payoff with the accrual calendar as defined, the employee expenses in the payoff pay date. For the 3 payments prior to the payoff, the additional accrued pay is $1668.74 or (61 x $278.123) - ($5,098.92 x 3) = $16,965.50 - $15,296.76. After the June payroll, the accrued pay on the school YTD would be $3,430.20. When the final pay roll is run, the accrued pay is zeroed and would cause an expense of $1,668.72 or $5,098.92 - $3,430.20. If the days earned for the payoff date are multiplied out and compared to the expense of the payoff pay date, you can see that the variance is correct or $278.123 x 6 = $1,668.74 - $1,668.72, thus indicating the variance of $.02.

Extract payroll accrual variances:

Field Description
Accrual CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select an accrual code. Only accrual codes for the current payroll frequency are displayed.

When an accrual code is selected, employees whose primary job contains the selected accrual code are displayed.

When an accrual code is not selected, all employees with an accrual code are displayed.
Pay DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select a processed pay date for the current school year. If a pay date is selected, users are able to create a general journal for the variances, post the variances to the employee's school YTD and history data, and interface the general journal entries to Finance. If a pay date is selected, you may also enter a journal voucher number.
JV NumberType the journal voucher number to be used in Finance transactions. If left blank, the default format for the journal voucher number is P + pay frequency + month and the day of the pay date selected.

❏ All available employees for the pay frequency are displayed on the left side of the page. Select the check box next to the employees you want to move to the right side of the page, and then use the following buttons to move the selected employees over:

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

The Run button is enabled when an employee is selected and moved to the right side of the page.

❏ Click Run. The accruals are calculated for the selected employee's unprocessed pay dates.

IMPORTANT: This process should only be run by one user at a time.

  • If variance processing records already exist in the temporary tables when you click Run, you are prompted to clear all previously calculated accrual variances.
  • If another user has initiated the calculation process, a message box is displayed indicating that the accrual variance is already being calculated.
  • If there were any errors encountered during the extract, the system displays the Payroll Accrual Variance Calculation Errors listing. Users have the option to click Print to capture the error listing or Cancel to continue with the extract.

Review the report.

It is highly recommended that you clear all errors prior to continuing with the extract process.

The Report tab is enabled when calculations are completed.

payroll/utilities/payrollaccrualvarianceextract/extract.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/01 20:44 by emoreno